I made a character based on the old CS form. I hope it's okay! [hider=Seth] [b]CHARACTER NAME:[/b] Seth [b]AGE:[/b] 29 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]ALLEGIANCE:[/b] None (still mildly inclined to help Phoenixis) [b]WEAPON:[/b] A handsome bow personally handcrafted by Seth himself. It has crude, decorative pictures of bird Pokemon etched into the wood. [b]POKEMON:[/b] [center][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/085/e/9/25_min_pidgeot_speedpaint_by_evilqueenie-d5zcz80.png][/center] [indent][u]NICKNAME:[/u] Belle [u]SPECIES:[/u] Pidgeot [u]GENDER:[/u] Female [u]MOVE-SET:[/u] Fly, Brave Bird, Roost, Aerial Ace [/indent] [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] [center][img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/031/9/3/white_dove_by_nuriko_kun-d38gh3l.jpg][/center] Seth is short in stature at only 5'5" and appears much younger and more boyish than his true age due to his delicate, almost effeminate facial features. He has narrow, bird-like amber eyes with excellent long-distance eyesight at the detriment to his ability to see things close to him clearly. As a result, they seem to flicker from side to side or cloud over when talking to someone. It is not uncommon to see him covered in dirt or with feathers sticking to him. Just like the Pokemon he follows dutifully, Seth does look particularly bird-like with unruly orange hair that fans itself out behind him like feathers and purposefully sharp fingernails to act as talons. He lacks muscles for the sole purpose of being easy to carry in flight with an almost stick-like figure. As far as armour goes, the mask that he wears to prevent chafing from the wind is made from the scratched plates of a skarmory. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Quiet and socially awkward due to a great amount of his time spent in the company of Pokemon, Seth has never really had a chance to befriend other humans. He tends to forget the manners and just general pleasantries he learned early in life in favour of brutal, straight-to-the-point honesty. What even is small talk? With most of his life having been outside the boundaries of civilisation, he prefers to live an altruistic lifestyle without greed or much wealth, living off the land and befriending the creatures of the wild. Due to this, Seth is often restless and easily bored. Without travel, he has little else to do with his time and so whenever he is struck by a bout of wanderlust he follows it to the ends of the earth. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Seth was both blessed and cursed with his family, a group of bird-Pokemon fanatics who ran a hillside aviary in Phoenixis. On one hand, he had companions practically forced upon him to train with, on land and sky, and from a young age experienced first-hand the uses they had as messengers and hunters. It was on his fifth birthday when he was given an egg of his own, taken from a pidgeot with a prestigious heritage that the family kept, and when it hatched he named the pidgey Belle. Living in the aviary with his parents and a few other caretakers spoiled him for any of the other pokemon types - birds were the best. Unfortunately, not everyone took kindly to Featherheart Tower's residents as two out of the five adults were morphs; one of which was his mother. It was burned to the ground when he was eleven years old and he had to flee, not knowing whether any of the Pokemon or humans got out alive. While the experience was traumatic (and well-known throughout the kingdom for a tragedy), it was a turning point in Seth's life as he began to live off the land, studying and befriending various species in their natural environment. For a time, he was well-known in the kingdom for his violent activism against those who would hunt the Farfetch'd to near extinction for their flavour. Now, his righteous anger has cooled off and he is currently on a journey to hunt down rumours of a legendary bird of ice and snow in hopes of begging for its help in quieting the conflict between the two countries. [b]OTHER:[/b] "Watch the skies. Be careful out there." [/hider]