**** UPDATE ***** Group is now full of members. Thanks to everyone who has messaged in here! Next phase is the plot planning, and then we can start the real deal. ********************* I'm looking to start a group rp about a group of people who are very different but come together due to various skillsets. They make it in the world by sticking together, and using illegal and or shady methods to make money. I wanted it to start off small but as time goes on things get more complex. I'd considered the idea of this group meeting in a smaller area and eventually moving to a bigger city where there is a higher crime rate and more opportunities to form their own little gang. I'd like to play with the idea that each character has his or her own inner struggle that will require character development to overcome, and as a group they become not only a successful gang, but also a caring family. I would like there to be pairings, and people can take control of multiple characters if they wish. I'm not looking for really long paragraphs, so this may go into the free roleplay section if it's made. I'd like to take some time to find some people interested in this, and plan it out, whether it be on here or over Skype. Some character skillsets I'm looking for: Gambler skillset, thief skillset, hitman skillset, medical skillset, technological genius skillset, sex worker skillset, business manager skillset, and combat skillset to name some. I'd like it if we could get some really different people working together, for example: A technological genius who is socially awkward working with a heartbreaker gambler. If anyone is interested in this idea please comment on the page. I'm willing to make a character profile template for those interested in joining me. As for me, I may play as two different characters, likely one male, and one female. I'm hoping for long term roleplay if possible. We can start the characters off at various ages as long as they are 18 or up. Let me know if you're interested. *****UPDATE****** Kyrianei is my co-pilot so please also respect her input on here as a leader! I am only looking for a technological expert and or hacker at the moment! I will accept more than one into the gang, but that is the only skillset I am looking for currently! That or another medic, or sex worker. We have the option to make opposing gangs, let's consider that. I encourage each other to join the opposing gangs too if you are new or what to make secondary characters. This will help immensely! Starting December 15th I will start planning the plot with all of you, because we need to get that worked out. This is likely going to take place in a private chat, but if you guys have any offsite ideas that will work please notify me about this.