I have done roleplays on sites like chatzy, but the issue with that is it deletes information after a while, and so it wouldn't be held on the website. We could see if anyone is willing to join us, and after a certain amount of time, we start a private chat with certain users and once its started no one else can join... or they'd have to wait until we move to the BIG CITY or where ever we go. I will post the template up here for you, and even if I just have you, we could totally do something together if no one else really wants to join. I don't want to start roleplaying until we have ourselves set and ready with a direction, so we have some time to think. Template: Name: Nickname: (leave blank if they don't have one) Birthday: Age: Skills and abilities: Personal struggles: Dreams or Goals: Personality Traits: Family: Medical Information: (Issues or anything else go here) Phobias: Bio: (Tell us anything else you want us to know about the character) Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: (Post here anything you do not want to be subjected to, and anything you are not comfortable putting your character through) Everyone is welcome to fill out the template for how ever many characters you want. IF you are willing to make an avatar of your character, please try sites like rinmarugames.com they have a lot of great character creators on there.