[Hider=Kain Fairell][img]http://user-cdn.spring.me/photos/20130219/n51239894982bb.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Kain Fairell [b]Nickname[/b] Fai - Shortened from his last name [b]Birthday[/b] 27th November [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Skills and Abilities[/b] [list] [*]Has had Self Defence Training[/*] [*]Excellent Liar, able to bend the truth with ease[/*] [*]Able to make connections with illegal merchants as well as haggle prices.[/*] [/list] [b]Personal struggles[/b] [list] [*]Compulsive Liar[/*] [*]Violent Thoughts[/*] [/list] [b]Dreams or Goals[/b] To live his own life, however he wants. [b]Personality Traits[/b] Confident and disturbing, Kain holds respect for no one except perhaps his fellow gang members. He does not open up for several reasons that a personal to him and him alone. Gives off a creepy vibe, but if you get past that, he can be amusing. [b]Family[/b] Unknown [b]Medical Information[/b] Depression - He doesn't seem like the type to be depressed, but he most certainly is. He keeps it all bottled up to himself and takes his medication like a good boy. [b]Phobia[/b] Unknown [b]Bio[/b] Will be revealed through the RP.