[hider=For the Empress of Corustaria] [i]Wise Empress Emmeline, The United Vanjanan Empire will most certainly give you access to our lands, for a price, of course. Unless you are prepared to bring enough food for such a march, you will need to take supplies from our own lands. While we are more than willing to allow this, we cannot simply give away food and water. Thus, military access would be, say, one million Fryas. However, the reason for your invasion is quite obvious, Parra is Vanjana's only equal in the game of economics, and Corustaria is most certainly not an economic equal to either of us. Their navy is also somewhat impressive, obviously not when compared to your own, but they could easily make it so. You feel threatened by them, as do we. As the saying goes, 'A wise man can hear profit in the wind'. I see an opportunity for both of us here. For a percentage of Parra's GDP, our soldiers would march with you and Lancia. Losses for both of you would be minimized, and you would still gain a large part of Parra's economy. What is your decision, march alone for a paltry fee, knowing we would give the same benefits to your enemy, or allow us to take a percentage of Parra's GDP, knowing that our soldiers would march with yours and we would not back down from the deal? Jade Sigfrid I, United Vanjanan Empire[/hider] [b]Outskirts of Ragnhildstad, Anhängare av Stjärna Frö Monastery[/b] A boy no older than sixteen rode up the cobblestone road towards the monastery, his brown hair flying in the wind. The monastery itself was a building carved into a small crater on the side of a mountain. Myths abounded as to the crater's origin, the most common being that it was where the Yagdasradich arrived. In reality, however, it was a simple impact crater from a relatively small meteor impact thousands of years ago. However, such scientific knowledge did not yet exist, so it was considered the holiest site for the Anhängare av Stjärna Frö. The boy's horse had well-groomed white fur, and it's reins bore a silver four-pointed star. The boy himself wore a blue and white Vanjanan army uniform with golden buttons, a garment somewhat similar to a Corustarian Admiral's uniform. However, he also wore a blue cape over the uniform that was buttoned to it, flapping in the wind as he rode. A longsword hung in it's sheath, which was decorated with blue and gold patters. A blue tricorn sat atop his head, sporting gold trim. Leather boots sat in the stirrups, polished clean before he had entered the city. Two men rode alongside the boy, both had muskets strapped to their backs and wore the same style of uniform as the boy, but with white and gold instead of blue and white. Their chests were covered with a golden four-pointed star, the uniform of the royal guard. The current head of the monastery, Kvinnasomdyrkar Tessan, was standing in the road, her own brown horse tied to a stake beside the road. She wore a simple white dress, decorated with a golden four-pointed star in a similar manner to the uniforms of the royal guards. Under the dress she was, of course, wearing pants. It was hard for a woman to ride a horse while preserving her modesty with nothing but a dress. The three horses slowed to a stop just in front of her, and their riders dismounted. Despite his age, the boy was just as tall as the two guards, and slightly taller than the shorter of them. Tessan curtsied, and the boy returned the gesture with a slight bow. "Prince Kalle, what brings you to the [i]Plats av trappavsats[/i]?" Asked Tessan, to which the boy responded with a soft smile. "I heard word of refugees from the religious turmoil in Iria, did they say exactly what's going on there? The only word from Iria I can get my hands on comes from the few merchants brave enough to go there." "Yes, it's anarchy there. Everyone here was almost killed by extremists, the Queen is trying to calm them down, but they say it'll never work." The Prince frowned, his head hanging downwards as his eyes focused on the cracks in the cobblestone road. "I was afraid of that, there are five thousand recruits and regulars as well as five thousand arquebusiers kept at your monastery. All of them are faithful men and women, prepared to fight for the Yagdasradich. I wanted to hear your opinion on whether or not I should order an invasion." "It may be necessary Prince, but how do you plan to stop the chaos with fifteen thousand, a third of whom are armed with near worthless weaponry?" "I am Kalle Halvar, Prince of Vanjana and chosen of the Yagdasradich!" He said confidently "The Cadzigrara tremble before me! Assemble your troops at the border, it is time to defeat the Cadzigrara once more!"