EDIT: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72922/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2256673]RP is active! Join here.[/url] [b]What?[/b] September 1st 1939. The Nazis launch an attack on Poland, which was occupied in less than a month, thanks to the Nazi Army's superior technology and manpower. It was oppressed by the SS, SA and the Gestapo until the end of the war, including the mass murder of about 3 million jews as part of the Final Solution. During that time, the Polish Resistance brewed in the underground, trying to drive the fascists away from their land. The RP will center around resistance members and their actions against the Nazis. [b]Will it be historically accurate?[/b] Initially, yes, but the players may take the game wherever they want to - from scavenging for supplies to blowing up railroads to killing Nazis. [b]What will be the tone?[/b] Depends on the players. It can be a pitch dark comedy or a serious, semi-historically accurate simulation. Everything goes.