(I have only watched the movie the Golden Compass so I cannot say I know much of the lore or the general back story of the world, but I am hoping someone who takes interest in this will be more knowledgeable then I am and can help fill me in on information I do not know. But anyway, onto the point.) (This will not be following the main plot of the story and may actually contradict the main plot of the series) After the fall of the Experimental facility and the freeing of many kidnapped children and the Magisterium having been revealed to have been behind the project to split children from their daemons the world took a major turn. The Magisterium lost much of its public support after its discovered experiments at first attempting to deny the experiments entirely which only led to further anger from the public, having been forced onto the spotlight the Magisterium began to scramble to justify their reasons for the experiments. Still many devotees to the Magesterium did not lose their support for the church. Society became divided between those in support of the Magisterium and those against it. Anger and ridicule directed toward the opposing side were present for both factions. On rare instances violence was threatened and even rarer actually broke out. But a series of events was set into place that could not be undone. Seven years after the events at the Experimental facility a change was seen in the Magisterium, one that unnerved many citizens and government officials not loyal to the Magisterium, the Magisterium began to build upon their already present yet minor military branch named the Inquisition. This frightened many people as it seemed to those against the Magisterium to be a threat against them. With this new found militarization violence began to occur much more often between those against the Magisterium and those for it. After long enough the peoples fear were proven true as the Magisterium's crusade against the Gyptians and the Witches for their involvement in the fall of the Experimental facility and for revealing the Magisterium to be behind the experiments began in earnest. In this purge, hundreds lost their lives, not only on the part of the Gyptains and the Witches but on the part of the Magisterium as well. Now five years into the Magisterium's crusade against the Witches and the Gyptains many people are fearful of what the future may hold. The Magisterium has cracked down on the population greatly, anyone caught speaking out against the Magisterium is hunted down by the Inquisitors and put on trial, any that find them selves on trial are found guilty and sentenced to death. Some say the Magisterium's days are numbers others fear their wrath, but almost all can foresee the coming troubles. The people's tolerance for the Magisterium is running thin and talk of fighting back against the church has been whispered of from trusted souls to trusted souls.The many governments of the world are divided between themselves and the other countries around them. Some governments act as puppets for the Magisterium others the Magisterium has its nails dug deep into while few are independent from the church. Should violence break out it would seem they are just as divided as the people are. Should the people finally have enough and rise up against the Magisterium, the entity of the world shall feel the ripples and the [I]Wrath of the Magisterium[/I] shall be swift and brutal. Rules: No god modding. Be respectful to our fellow Roleplayers. I have no restrictions on ratings, just should sex scenes arise please comply to Guild rules and fade to black or take it to PMs. Be realistic with your characters. IE- We aren't all powerful Try to keep it to at least a minimum of one paragraph per post, unless there is a legitimate reason. (expect updates.)