[center][i]Everything feels so perfect...[/i][/center] [youtube]PTNuBaS2--4[/youtube] What marched out of the armored machinery was none other than a squad of eight fully armored, armed to the teeth, masked soldiers serving as a form of "sub-hunter Vanguards" all with different sizes and different types of weapons. Their goal was simple, to assist a commanding hunter during such critical and messy times. The entirety of the cast had white armor, similar to the Major's outfit although with the extra steel enhancements. Keifers had this small, innocent grin as she felt everything was under control, she could feel the lives of these men dancing on the palm of her hand. She felt powerful as they all aligned themselves before the young commander, body straight and in a salute, not even the cold wind left by Mathias Winters could make them budge. Luckily for them, the recent calamities had reduced the cold wind's influence, and thus no snow was to be found along with that frigid breeze. She saluted in return, signaling that they could rid themselves of their current posture and follow her next orders. "[b]Jay division, I do not think I have to remind you all our objectives. Out of the multiple leads we have gathered, our first target wi-...[/b]" All of a sudden Keifers' holopad stated to vibrate again before automatically broadcasting the nearby military relays. Not too far from the clinic's location just out of the city near the remains of the wall were fugitives being pursued by regular soldiers. Keifers' couldn't help but be intrigued by this event, so intrigued that she considered postponing the tailing of the stolen shuttle and instead handle what was nearby to start off. There wasn't any big rush until the shuttle actually landed, which wasn't the case for now. Happy, she clicked a button on the little piece of metal on her wrist so she could mute the watch and focus on what she had decided. She looked back at the still immobilized infantry who were awaiting their orders. "[b]As I was saying, our first target shall be those nearby fugitives. Any objections? Good.[/b]" She only expected complete cooperation from them, any failure of any sort wan't the kind of thing they would want to do in her command, especially when they knew how notoriously merciless she could get if anyone would dare to contradict her. They all jogged back in the transport tank while the young leader walked up to the front and took the shotgun seat next to the driver, she wasn't going to sit around all encumbered by lower ranks again. She gestured the driver to start the vehicle and follow the destroyed the road leading to the exist of the city, toward he forest. As the tank started, a new report came in indicating they had trapped their targets but one of their soldiers turned against them, forcing the backup squad to finish off those in front of them. Using special access with her Major's rank, she used the integrated cameras in the patrol units' bodies to have a clear view of the scene. She was amazed by the view of the man simply slaughtering the remaining few soldiers, especially when their confirmed his status as a host. "[b]My my, we're definitely not wasting our time now, right sergeant?~ Get there on the double.[/b]" She coldly ordered the driver after soliciting him in a rather warm and playful way, as if she purposely shifted moods just to unnerve the man and give him a false sense of security around her before she showed her teeth. The tank easily went through the massive debris all over the area and crossed the ruins of the wall in less than a minute, by then Keifers could witness the host dangle the remaining soldier as if he were bullied by a tall highschool kid. This was all too hilarious for her, and just made her even more excited. Her expression would shift into a frown, however, as the last one was spared out of the blue. It disappointed her, like an unfinished job that just appeared as a stain to the work that was done. The tanks speed was effective enough to swiftly arrive at the are about twenty seconds after the releasing of the soldier, whom stumbled down after crossing paths with the massive tank. The host could hear the massive metal monstrosity approach as it consumed the trees in its way with absolutely no effort with the use of a wind core set at the front of the vehicle. Anything touching the vehicle's front and sides while it was in motion was cut about 2cm in. Arriving at the scene, the tank stopped where all the bodies were laid waste. It just stayed there, without anyone coming out of it. For those that would be scouting it outside, they would find it odd that nothing would happen, but in reality they were scanning the area with thermal and x-ray radars. Keifers wasn't going to give her green light just yet, she wanted to confirm how many fodder were there and just how dangerous could this host actually be. She signed as she pressed the orange key adjacent to her seat, causing the tank's trunk to open and release the elite soldiers into the field. All of them armed and pointing their guns at the direction of the scans' results. The Major slowly reached out to her corresponding door's handle and gently opened it for the upcoming conflict would be a difficult one if she didn't handle it carefully and without her direct intervention.