I'm interested, but I'd like to know more about the plot. Do we [i]have[/i] to start on the island, or can our characters be else where, like Africa, at the beginning of the role play? My character is [url=http://www.theoi.com/Ther/Akheilos.html]Akheilos[/url]. According to his myth, Akheilos was a boy who boasted that he was more beautiful than Aphrodite, and outraged by this claim, the Goddess of Love transmogrified into a shark. For my version of Akheilos, his myth is the shark's creation myth and he is the progenitor of all sharks. He will be a very bloodthirsty character, always hungering for flesh, especially human and godflesh, and he'll be the very definition of "Apex Predator"; he'll also be able to change between his human and monster forms. I was hoping for Akheilos to start in Africa, where he'd be hunting animals, but with the incursion of World War III, he takes advantage of chaos to satisfy his more "exotic" tastes.