[hider=Korrigan Umbraisis] Username: Raijinslayer Name: Formally called Korrigan Umbraisis, Informally called Korrey Age: 21 Gender: Male Country: Luria Weapon: Dual-blades Pokemon: [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/052/a/d/yveltal_by_blackchaos666-d5vslis.png] [indent]Nickname: Shade[/indent] [indent]Species: Yveltal[/indent] [indent]Gender: Male[/indent] [indent]Move set: Foul Play, Oblivion Wing, Phantom Force, and Shadow Claw[/indent] [indent]Personality: Shade is one vain pokemon, even for a legendary. He must alway look his best, no matter what he's doing. And he's arrogant to, tending to under estimate his enemies[/indent] Appearance: [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/022/1/c/rotw__neculai___demon_knight_by_kay_rar-d5sdoq0.jpg] Personality: Korrey is a rather laid back individual, not really caring that he's royalty, which makes him popular with his family's subjects. He is however, an avid battler, and roams the country side to hunt down, uh I mean happen upon, trainers to battle. But he only picks those who seem like they'll be a challenge. HE also has a special placce in his heart for Shade, who has served his family loyally for generation. He is also completely clueless about women and romance, tending not to want to deal with it in favor of battling. Biography: Korrey is the black sheep of the Umbraisis family. While the rest of his family is a serious group of nobles, he just isn't. Thus it was a surprise to everyone in hi family, when Yveltal, their family Guardian, chose him as his new master upon Reginald Umbarisis', Korrey's uncle, death. Ever since then, Korrey has been seeking to have a lot of fun with Shade, half because he loves the Legendary Death God, half because he now can place a date on his time of death. He has been chosen to be Yveltal's master at a time when Yveltal will soon have to reincarnate. As his trainer, he must sacrifice his life, or else Yveltal will go to a near by town to select a human ripe to become his blood sacrifice. It'll happen in his 35th birthday. Other: [indent]Quote: "I'f your not hear to battle me, then go away. If you don't, I have a 400 pound god of Death for you to bother instead. I'm sure it'll end wonderfully."[/indent] His sword are named 'Ragnarok' and 'Apocalypse'. Both are black with a tribalishdesign of Yveltal etched into the blade in red.[/hider] [hider=John Flares] Username: Raijinslayer Name: John Flares Age: 20 Gender: Male Country: Pheonixis Weapon: A mace and shield, Smash and Bash Pokemon: [url=http://kawiku.deviantart.com/art/Haxorus-308163968]Appearance[/url] [indent]Nickname: Axia[/indent] [indent]Species: Haxorus[/indent] [indent]Gender: Female[/indent] [indent]Move set: Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, and Poison Jab[/indent] [indent]Personality: Axia is very, very unstable. While normally quite docile, if something startles her, or angers, she goes on a tends to go on a rampage. Only John can get close enough to calm her down when that happens. She is also extremely possessive of John, especially around other females.[/indent] Appearance: [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/271/e/9/render__gunji_by_luxuriah-d4b68ws.png] Personality: Mad is an understatement, John is completely insane, but he controls it rather well outside of battle. Out of combat, he just twitches, rambles nonsense, and have no sense of personal space. In battle, most should run the other way, since he becomes a hurricane, smashing open heads with both his mace and shield, laughing with the glee of that can only be expressed by the truly mad. Biography: John was an bastard child of a high class family, sent away to live at an orphanage. John soon ran away to live among the pokemon, but eventually found his way into a colony of Haxorus. He some how began living with them, before leaving when he saw a procession of people trekking through the forest. He was followed by Axia, who was a only an Axew at the time. They were taken in by a local noble, where he became a squire, then a Knight due to his fantastic fighting skills. it took awhile,since no Knight could handle him for long due to his utter insanity, or Axia's crazed rampages. Other: [indent]Quote:"Smash and Bash, Mother fuckers, SMASH AND BASH!!!!!!!"[/hider] [hider=Fang] Username:Raijinslayer Name:Fang Age: 25 Gender:Female Country: Other Weapon: Claws, Wings, and Voice [indent]Feral Form: [url=[URL=http://www.zerochan.net/1525689][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Noivern.240.1525689.jpg[/IMG][/URL]][/indent] [indent]Move-Set: Draco-meteor, Dragon pulse, Boom burst, and Double team[/indent] Appearance: [img=http://www.animalhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130213/black%20rock%20shooter%20cleavage%20horns%20long%20hair%20black%20eyes%20red%20eyes%20black%20gold%20saw%20black%20hair%201697x10_www.animalhi.com_51.jpg] Like this, except she has no horns, her hair is purple, and she doesn't have on any armor, just some leather covering for her lower and upper halves. Personality:She is the Alpha of her Morpher Clan, and thus has a strong sense of responsibility and a stern attitude. She can have fun though, but can easily switch back to strictness if someone forgets their place. She has a hatred for humans, but doesn't let herself be blinded by it, knowing not all humans are completely devoid of empathy for her kind. But she will always be distrustful of them. Biography: Her story was pretty normal until she was around 10. Then she was captured by humans, were she was enslaved. There she stayed for 7 years, treated horribly by her owners, escaping when she evolved. She broke out and decimated anyone who got in her way, then flew away until she found a new clan. She was stronger than most of the others, due to the fact that she was forced to fight for her captors enjoyment, most the battle's to the death, so she soon became the clan head, the Alpha. Other: [indent][i][b]Quote: "I am Alpha, that means I am the badass that tells you what to do. If you have a problem with that, then you have to try and take that title from me. So come on."[/b][/i][/indent] [/hider]