Character is up though I may tweak her history a bit. Let me know is anything needs to be changed. [center][img=][/center] [hider=The Hobgoblin aka Olivia Osborn][center][img=] [b]Name:[/b] Olivia Osborn [b]Alias:[/b] Hobgoblin [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female[/center] [center][b]Appearance[/b] She stands at 5' 8" (1.73 m). Her gorgeous red hair is long, thick, straight and smells of an ocean breeze. Her skin is fair and baby soft. her eyes are brown, and her lips are full. Olivia's frame is naturally slender, and also fit due to years of dance lessons as well as moderate exercise. She is heavier than she looks (see Powers below). [b]Personality:[/b] [I] be revealed in game....[/I][/center] ------------- [center][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/center] Besides her native tongue of American English Olivia can speak/write French and Japanese fluently. Olivia has taken dance lessons on and off since she was 3yo. She has had some self defense training, but is far from a martial arts master. Olivia has at least enough knowledge in engineering, electronics and cybernetics to modify and upgrade Goblin tech and weapons. [CENTER][U][b]Powers:[/b][/U][/CENTER] [U]Super Durability[/U] - Olivia's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing her to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, and changes in temperature. She also gains enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard her body has become, allowing her to resist tearing a muscle and/or her bones shattering easily. This power adds nearly 100lbs to her weight. Olivia's current enhanced strength allows her to lift up to 1 ton. [u]Peak Human Agility[/u] - Despite her dense body, Olivia is quite agile far more than the average human and can give most Olympic athletes a run for their money. (Think maybe Nightwing and Daredevil.) [u][url=]Adaptive Regeneration[/url][/u] - Olivia can regenerate and adapt in response to bodily harm. She stays resistant/immune for up to an hour after being attacked. At the being of the game Olivia can adapted to up to three different forms of attack. To adapt to a fourth form of attack she must give on of the first three adaptions. For example: Olivia catches the flu so her body quickly adapts to fight and quickly destroy the virus. A little later, Olivia his attacked by a man with a knife. Her bodily quickly regenerates the damage from the initial attack and for the duration of the scene (plus up to 1 hour afterwards) her skin becomes immune to being slashed/pierced. [center][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/center] [u]Green Kryptonite[/u] - The one thing Olivia's body cannot adapt to is kryptonite. Her DNA (see History below) makes her just as vulnerable to the alien rock as a true Kryptonian. [u]Fear of Drowning[/u] - Due to a traumatic childhood event (see History below), Olivia has a serious fear of drowning. Olivia cannot swim. [u][url=]DID[/url][/u] - Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder on the dissociative spectrum characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. Olivia is on medication for her condition, and as long as she stays on her meds she suffers few or no episodes. Without her meds she is endanger of her second personality gaining control. ------------- [center][b]Equipment:[/b][/center] [u]Goblin Gloves[/u] - The gloves contain finger blasters. With a push of a button inside the gloves, the blasters fire in random directions which can be used to confuse those with a 'danger sense'. [u]Goblin Mask[/u] - Not only does the mask hide her face, it also contains a voice altering device to keep the Hobgoblin's identity a secret. The mask is also designed to protect her while flying at high speeds. [u]Goblin Costume[/u] - Her costume is identical to Jason Masendale's Hobgoblin costume. It's androgynous design hides her identity as well as her gender. The costume is also flame/heat retardant. [u]Goblin Glider[/u] (formerly) - As the Hobgoblin she first used a modified version of her father's Goblin Gilder. It is capable of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour, and capable of supporting about 400 lbs including Olivia's weight (and far more for very brief periods of time). Top speed and a full normal load will exhaust the fuel supply in about one hour. The main microprocessor assisted manual controls are behind the head of the glider, and later modifications added voice-activated radio-linked controls integrated into the Hobgoblin's mask. [u]Jetpack & Glider Wings[/u] - The jetpack allows her to fly at a top speed of 90mph for up to an hour. The retractable wings help with maneuverability and allow the glide on the air currents when she wants to save jet fuel. [u]Bag of Tricks[/u] - The Hobgoblin carries with a satchel that contains several weapons. Among these are usually:[list] [*]Pumpkin Bombs - The incendiary grenades ignite almost soundlessly and release enough heat to melt through a three-inch thick sheet of steel.[/*] [*]Razor Bats - Throwing blades in the shape of bats.[/*] [*]Ghostly Gassers - A variety of smoke and gas-emitting bombs, which are surrounded by a light plastic mantle that flutter like a wraith when the bomb is thrown. Other gas bombs emit hallucinogenic gases, and others release a specially concocted gas that could neutralize [Spider-Man's] spider sense for a limited period of time.[/*][/list] -------------- [center][b]History:[/b][/center] Olivia is the great granddaughter of Norman Osborn, granddaughter of Harry Osborn, and the daughter of Norman Harold Osborn. This makes her the rightful heir to Alchemax and Oscorp Industries. At least that how the world knows her. In actuality, Olivia is a clone. Ten years ago, the real Olivia Osborn drowned. A distraught Norman and a team of geneticists and biologists used the notes from Dr. Miles Warren and acquired information from Cadmus to clone his daughter. This information has never been made public. Norman, wanting to make the clone much more durable, combined his daughter's DNA and that of the monster known as Doomsday. When she was 15yo Olivia discovered a secret lair within her home containing the family's evil legacy. It wasn't long after this that she found out the truth about conception. Angered beyond belief Olivia became the Hobgoblin. She used the wicked devices first invented by her great grandfather the strike back at her father and the company that created her. She was eventually subdued (in part) by her father who dawned the guise of the Green Goblin. Norman made sure no one discovered that his daughter had become a super villain. Olivia was put in psychiatric care for several months. It wasn't long after she was released from the hospital that Olivia took up the mantle of the Hobgoblin once more, but this time as a heroine/vigilante. Her father is not fond of this idea in the least but allows it... for now. -------------- [center][b]Relatives[/b][/center] Norman Virgil Osborn (great grandfather, deceased); Harold "Harry" Osborn (grandfather, deceased); Elizabeth "Liz" Allan-Osborn (grandmother, deceased); [url=]Gabriel Stacy[/url] (uncle, ???); [url=]Sarah Stacy[/url] (half-aunt, ???); [url=]Lily Hollister[/url] (aunt, ???); [url=]Stanley Osborn[/url] (uncle, estranged); Norman "Normie" Harold Osborn (father); Brenda Drago-Osborn (mother, deceased) [center][I]The GM can feel free to use Olivia's relatives as NPCs if he wishes[/I][/center] [center][b]Other:[/b] Olivia's father, Norman, runs Alchemax while Stanley Osborn runs Oscorp Industries. The two half-brothers are in a vicious feud to gain total control the family's divided legacy. Olivia's second personality is called Norma. Norma is angery, vindictive and often homicidal. [/center] [/hider]