KF sighed. It wasn't like the water would make him utterly useless. Still he liked this set up. "Be honest. You just wanted to be lone with me again didn't you?" He asked with a small smirk. Of course that wasn't the case, but a guy could dream. "Don't you think we should save that type of thing at least until after we've gone on a few dates?" He asked keeping his voice in a low whisper. "Or at least until the other two aren't here?" He paused. 'Unless you want them involved." He joked a bit watching the men below. His photographic memory kicked in. "Hmmm... It's a little dark. Can't get a good read on 'em." He said almost instantly switching into hero mode. Who were they? What could they do? He was sure if the small team worked together properly this could blow over pretty well.