Hello, RPG. I am craving an RP and I have multiple ideas for a setting. I will list them below. [hider=Idea 1: Yggdrasil] [center][b][u]Yggdrasil[/u][/b][/center] Yggdrasil is a world my friends and I created for a pen and paper RPG. It blends Greek and Norse mythology into a victorian steampunk setting. While steam is a present and relevant entity in Yggdrasil, the primary power source is Mana. So, in a sense, Yggdrasil is more manapunk than anything. Mana in Yggdrasil isn't just some magical force, Mana is a radioactive energy that surges through the world. It is generated by the World Tree in the center of the map, simply put, the World Tree is a massive power generator created by a legendary race, the Jormungandr. Elves are the only known race to be immune to the radioactive poison Mana radiates. Yggdrasil is comprised of all of the standard D&D races and monsters, along with some of our own creations. Species coexisting together in masive metropolis cities is extremely common. The strongest empire in Yggdrasil is Asgard. Asgard is ruled primarily by Human and Elves, with the current Emperor being a human. Asgard is considered to be the Grand Empire, and it is split into Lesser Empires, which are governed by Lesser Kings and Queens. These Lesser Empires are then split into their provinces and such. The capital of Asgard is the Great City of Midgar. There are still independent Empires that disregard Asgard's influence. There are the Splinter Islands to the South East of the central landmass that is rife with piracy and crime. The Splinter Islands is mainly an anarchy, many syndicates vie for control of the islands. The Splinter Islands consists of seven main landmasses, with numerous smaller islands. Directly South from the World Tree is the Everdark, a large forest protect by towering Sentinel Trees. The Everdark is the ancestral homeland of the elves. On the East Coast of the main landmass, as well as a chain of islands, is the Eastern Unity. The Eastern Unity is a coalition of human empires, they are much like the orientals on Earth. The dwarves rule the underground, with an empire almost a third the size of Asgard (which is still very big), they provide the world with Mana Crystals and are known to be the most industrious of all the independent empires. On the Mountain of Nidhogg, the Orcs live. Nidhogg is actually a sleeping dragon, in Yggdrasil, dragons are titanic beasts of another age. There are only four known dragons, each of them sleeping. Over the millenia, these dragons were covered and buried under the shifting earth of Yggdrasil, becoming the mountain ranges known by the world. There are many other independent empires, but they aren't as influential as the ones stated above. Along with empires, there are plenty of factions that aren't bound by empires. There are the Crusaders. essentially elite warriors who dedicate their life to combat. The Crusaders are split into three houses; the House of Blades, a brotherhood devoted to training in plate armor, wielding shields and swords. The House of Storms, a crusader brotherhood trained in the ways of Manalock firearms. And then the House of Fleets, crusaders who ride their salamander steeds to battle with lances and polearms. Another faction is the Ratoskr, though they are technically bound by Asgard, the Ratoskr have begun an uprising against their overlords. The Ratoskr were once humans, but were mutated by a cataclysmic explosion in a mana processing plants, the event warped an entire lesser empire into the rat-like beings that Asgard now uses as slaves. The Ratoskr live in massive clefts in Yggdrasil, these chasms go so deep that not even the light of the sun can reach the bottom. The last faction worth noting is the Storm Cult. The Storm Cult is a small order of knights, their monastery is on the head of Fafnir, a dragon. The Storm Cult seem completely immune to the effects of mana. They revere Fafnir as their patron god, and use mana to imbue their arms and armor with electricity. The Storm Cult is not concerned with the happenings in Yggdrasil, they pursue their own agenda regardless of the state of the world. In this RP, we could choose many different ways to execute it. We could be soldiers and hirelings to the Asgard military. Members of the Crusaders or mercenaries from the Splinter Islands. It could be survival horror, adventure or something else. There are much, much more details about Yggdrasil, but for the sake of this interest check, I'll leave the info on this world for the OOC if this option is taken.[/hider] [hider=Idea 2: The Sleepers] [center][b][u]The Sleepers[/u][/b][/center] Sleepers was a very fresh new idea that sort of developed out of boredom. It essentially puts fantasy characters in a future, fallout-esque world. The idea in mind is essentially, there are people that were put into a sort of preservation because they were gifted with powers. These powers allow people to control the five elements, Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Metal; things that were believed to never be tampered with in that age. The hope for preserving these people, was that they could wake them when they desperately needed them. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, a calamity struck and the sleepers were never able to be reawakened. This calamity will always be a mystery. After humanity recovered from the calamity, the sleepers were forgotten. They were reduced to myth and legend, and then nothing. They slept on in some obscure crypt in a mountain that has changed over the ages. Fast forward thousands of years, humanity rebuilt into a civilization much like the one we know in our real world. Hundreds more, and humanity has reached the stars. Alien life was found and it wasn't for the best. The aliens decimated humanity and reduced Earth to a wasteland of ash and rubble. The survivors on Earth became vicious scavengers and every hour was a fight for survival. When one survivor seeking shelter stumbled upon a cave, he explored it and found the Chamber of the Sleepers. He accidentally woke the sleepers. After untold thousands of years, the sleepers enter a new world with their elemental powers. They must survive like the rest of humanity, find out what happened and live a new and confusing life. Is whats left on Earth all that remains of humanity? Are their others still alive in the stars?[/hider] [hider=Idea 3: Parakka Rising] [center][b][u]Parakka Rising[/u][/b][/center] Set in Chris Wooding's world in the book series 'Broken Sky'. The RP will take place before the events of the books, ultimately forming and leading the rebel organization Parakka against the despotic King Macaan. A full explanation of the world of Broken Sky can be found [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_Sky]here[/url].[/hider] [hider=Idea 4: Arcturus Theta] [center][b][u]Arcturus Theta[/u][/b][/center] In this sci-fi RP, we will be playing characters living on a distant planet called Arcturus Theta. The planet is completely submerged in water. Civilization lives in gigantic dome cities at the floor of this world. The size of this planet is unlike any other, and regions are still being mapped out. We play as the crew of a ship known as the Poseidon, a long distance submarine ordered to explore the Veiled Abyss. The Veiled Abyss is chasm that is believed to be the deepest on the planet. No ship has ever mapped it, so the Poseidon is tasked with descending into its depths. Arcturus Theta is a deadly planet, filled with sea life that could swallow ships whole, there is no telling what might dwell in the Veiled Abyss. This RP will be a survival horror, whats worse than being trapped in a ship out in the middle of nowhere? Being trapped in a ship out in the middle of nowhere UNDERWATER.[/hider] [hider=Idea 5: Warframe] An RP based in the Warframe universe. In this RP, our Tenno would be outcasts or remnants that band together to form a new clan. While the clan is small, the handful of tenno that formed it are masters of the craft. This RP would be an action and interaction RP with a story of intrigue and adventure across the Solar Systems and perhaps even more.[/hider] [hider=Idea 6: Odox] A revival of an old RP I had once taken a part of. Odox holds a special place in my heart as it was the first RP that was ever brought to a close. Over the years, Odox has seen multiple reboots and sequels, but they never had the same effect as the first. Odox, is the name of another world. In Odox, it is populated by fantastical creatures such as goblins and elves and all sorts of others. A small portion of humans from Earth can enter Odox, but only in their dreams. When they sleep, their mind and spirit enters Odox. The transition grants these people supernatural powers. The first Odox RP was about a band of people from all across Earth who woke up in the same village in Odox. They later learned that they were the Chosen Ones and were destined to fight the equivalent of Satan, he was simply known as the Beast. After repeatedly meeting together in Odox, the group decided to meet on Earth. In London, they met. And in London, they chose to leave Earth entirely, wanting to remain in Odox forever. The Chosen fought hard, and not without sacrifice as two of the five gave their lives so the others could succeed. The surviving Chosen ascended to demi-godhood. Mark, who's power was flight acted as the moral compass of the Chosen. Andreas, the appointed leader of the Chosen, his power was of rapid regeneration. The third remaining Chosen was Alice, she was Mark's lover and had the power to control anybody she touched. Justin was one of the Chosen who laid down his life, it was him who ultimately defeated the Beast, using his limitless strength to pull him into a volcano where they were reduced to nothing. Crystal was other sacrifice. Crystal was gifted with the power of foresight, and saw that they would all die at the hands of a titan if she didn't do anything. Crystal was a master of martial arts, stayed behind to battle the titan and give the Chosen time to escape its wrath. Andreas and Crystal were in love, and he was devastated after realizing Crystal had stayed behind to save the rest of them. The fate of Crystal was mystery for years after the defeat of the Beast. While Mark, Alice and Andreas lived as demi-gods, Crystal was wandering the tunnel network that the titan had dwelled in. This network, known as the Labyrinthine Fog, was home to a powerful being. Despite surviving, Crystal's will to live had diminished. Just before she was about to take her own life, she encountered the being. It was a Satyr who had made the Labyrinthine Fog his home. Satyr's are no big deal, but one that could tame the fog was. He offered her a way out, but at a cost. Crystal inquired on the cost, but the Satyr never said. Wanting to be with Andreas again, she agreed. The Satyr took her memory and locked away her powers, and teleported her to a nearby dwarven city. At this point, chapter two of Odox began. The demi-gods were aware of Crystal's return, but they weren't delighted. Over the years, the demi-gods had become too comfortable and they knew that Crystal wouldn't approve if she ever got her memory back. And if anybody could stop the Chosen, it was one of their own. The demi-god's were trying to unlock the power of pure divinity, to ascend into full fledged gods. Their efforts were destroying Odox. Crystal was told that she was one of the legendary Chosen, that her valiant stand off against the titan sowed the seeds of victory against the Beast. She didn't remember any of it at the time. Throughout the RP, Crystal unlocked more parts of her past. When she finally reached enlightenment, she was exactly what the demi-gods feared. Crystal was the only chosen to develop and have full control over two powers, and she was the most capable in a fight. The demi-gods sent assassins, they caused disasters and nothing worked. Knowing she couldn't fight the demi-gods alone, she made a call. When herself and the other Chosen first came to Odox, it was because their souls heeded the call of the Ancient Dragon, the equivalent of God in Odox. Crystal managed to pool her power to do the same, her call resonated to Earth and new Chosen answered in turn.[/hider]