Angron sighed as he looked down at the jungle floor he was dangling above. He had been on quite a few jobs in the past that had gone straight to Hutta before this had to be... For a moment, the trandoshan had to pause and consider some of the screw ups of the past in order to put this one into perspective... the third worst starting point of a job he had ever be on. Mode of transport shot down, enemy anti air preventing back up or pick up and whatever friendlies he did have were either dead or scattered around a jungle that was filled with enemy combatants and hostile fortified positions... not to mention the wild life and the fact that most of their supplies had been on the ship. Yep, definitely the third worst job he had been on. Sighing again as the straps of his trapped parachute was starting to grow uncomfortable, Angron turned his head around to figure out which of the trees were the nearest to him currently. With some care, he started to rock backwards and forwards in order to get some swinging in motion. Once he guessed he had enough momentum and timing to make it to the trunk and not just plummet to his death on the ground, he took a deep breath, reached up to take hold of his straps and cut them with his claws. For a few horrible seconds, all Angron felt was weightlessness and the air moving past him as he felt gravity start to take hold. Then, acting on animal instinct he reached up to imbed the claws of both his hands and feet into the tree he was about to smack into. There was a moment in which he left some rather deep marks on the tree as his weight dragged him down but by gritting his teeth and refusing to let go Angron was rewarded by at last coming to a stop. He was still up a tree but he was now in a position to start climbing down. Compered to the moment of horrible uncertainty that was the earlier leap of faith, climbing down was a breeze and before long his feet were planted firmly on the jungle floor. Now that he was freed from the threat of falling to hid death, Angron rolled his sore shoulders a little in order to try and loosen them up a little as he considered his next move. He was about to start going through his mental checklist of what to do in a situation like this when he heard the tell tale sounds of movement and the hiss of a lightsaber. Out of all the possible friendlies he could run into out here, it had to be one of the bloody 'holier then thou' Jedi. Still, he wasn't about to look a gift wookie pelt in the mouth. Moving carefully towards the sound of a lightsaber due to the fact that if the jedi had it out there was most likely a reason for it, Angron stalked the jungles like the predator his people were. When he neared the jedi boy, he noticed that between him and the jedi was a strange beast that was no doubt native to the jungle world. Removing his sword from its sheath, Angron focused and waited for his moment to strike. One did not turn down free food after all.