Jack Orpheus | AEJS Dorm Room "Guys, hey guys. It's like, night time, can we talk about fancy weapons tomorrow morning? She looks like she needs some rest. I need some rest. I want to eat breakfast tomorrow. And Emmy's running a small hair salon in the bathroom", he yelled from the top bunk. He hung upside down over the side of his bed to see the new team mate, and he immediately could tell she was tired, despite her manners. When you use weapons as simple as his, tiny signs become a thing. "But yeah, nice to meet ya kitty-cat, name's Jack. And I'm going to sleep, so please make yourself comfortable on the last bunk", just as quickly as he woke and yelled he fell asleep... Dude does everything quickly it seems. It also doesn't look like he was any way concerned about having a Faunus in the team, hell he didn't say anything about it or changed his behaviour beyond giving her a cat related nickname. In actual fact he doesn't mind, he's had a few Faunus friends in his home city, and they were pretty cool.