You guyyyysss are all aaawesome. Hugs all around! Thank you. I promise to stop second-guessing myself, and focus on moving forward! So what we need is one great mod post to rule them all, to draw all of you into the same new scene and begin to clarify what the hell is actually going on. Red_massa, good idea on the after New Years thing -- maybe some people will return then, or we can gather more. If anyone cares to post once more while I work out how this is going to work, please do feel free to do so! Edit: Ok, got something up. I assumed the three people who've responded in the past week are the only ones left -- if someone else is still around, you can either assume something similar has happened to you or I can write you in. Since you three are in possession of the green lantern, you're all green team now. You know, in case we end up separating into teams again. ;)