Alakai raised a brow, then shook his head. "No no, that part is meant for you. After that awful sandwich I figured you could use something with taste as well." Who would want to have an after taste of dry biscuits? And he hadn't even made the tea yet. Heck, he didn't know if the tea would have any flavour. Speaking of which. "I guess I'll make that tea now. We should be able to keep a few of them with us in our inventory. And you can use them to quickly regain some mana in between fights." She slowly got to his feet, taking his cooking kit with him, and sat down at the fire. After opening his inventory and receiving two water skins and the mushrooms, he started cooking up the tea. The description said it was an every day green tea type. So he hoped that it tasted something like a green tea. Now came the truly interesting part. Alakai put the water and mushrooms in the pot and the pot on the fire, opened his skill window, and selected the tea. And as if by magic, the water started to boil right away. A small extra window popped up, showing a bar and a timer for 20 seconds. " like this is easy." He mused as he pointed at the screen. "Twenty seconds and it's done. I'm...not sure it'll taste like anything, but we'll see." And indeed 20 seconds later the water and mushrooms disappeared, and 5 glass bottles with a light-green liquid in them appeared in Alakai's lap. "Even this works like the game..." He spoke with a grin, handing 3 of them to Kali. "Here you go. With your increased mana regeneration, shorter cooldown, and these drinks we should be able to clear the second part much faster. Maybe in two-thirds of the time. So with any luck we'll be out again around two pm. That is, if the respawns aren't too terrible. But when there are less players in an area the spawn rate is also lower, so..." He was quiet for a moment, then turned a little red and smiled awkwardly. "Heh, hear me rambling on again. I guess it's a bad habit of mine when I talk about games..."