[quote=HeySeuss] I've wanted to do this for a while and I was considering running one myself, except I didn't think there'd be enough interest. I've run French Resistance and Filipino guerrilla themed RP's though, but I just never quite got around to doing Poland.Are we going to be concentrating on a specific area of Poland, such as Warsaw itself? Urban resistance in places like Warsaw happened a lot later than resistance in the countryside by partisans, so it's a useful thing to work with. Also, are we positive about 1939 as the timeline? It seems like things really pick up in 1942 more or less, but I'm fine with earlier. Also, if you like, I can happily make sure to clue in a couple dedicated historical RP'ers about this and get you some more people.For my end, I'll probably play a Jewish partisan, it's an easy shot for me. [/quote] The RP will focus on Warsaw, yes. I was actually planning to have a prologue sequence with the creation of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_for_Poland%27s_Victory]Służba Zwycięstwu Polski[/url] one day before the fall of Warsaw in September '39, and from there to the creation of the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Army]Armia Krajowa[/url] (Home Army), the main resistance group operating in Poland, and the one that initiated the Warsaw Uprising in '44. Another thought I had: Players can play as members in charge of one of the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Army#Structure]many different bureaus of the Armia Krajowa[/url] (i.e. Operations, Intel, Logistics, etc). Makes for a more interesting RP for me, at least - but it will require more players. What do you think?