Hi, guilders, Recent updates have allowed me with a lot of free time, time which I honestly don't know how to spend. So, I thought, what better way to spend it than in the company of sexy beasts like you guilders. What I'm looking here is nothing complicated. I already have my hands full with another RP, which is progressing really slowly, so this is just a little something to fill the gaps. It's gonna be a high school (b)romance comedy drama fantasy roleplay. Basically, the entire plot of the RP revolves around two high school friends who both possess a vivid imagination, and their attempts at using that imagination to add flavor to their dull lives. I'm not looking for a specific gender here; if you want to play a female character, romance may be involved. If you want to play a male character, the romance will be replaced with bromance and enough dick jokes to put Adam Sandler to shame. There are going to be a couple of tearjerker moments here and there and a considerable dose of character development, but that's it. No villains, no recurring characters and most importantly, no story arcs. Once I get interest, I will start up an OOC thread and flesh it up more. Also, just so that you know, I'm looking for a Casual roleplayer. Doesn't matter if you're a Low, Medium or High one. All that matters is for your posts to be understandable and punctuated.