So far, the sounds of a gunfight had only served to alert others nearby intruders as well, so now four of the silverclad were holed up at the end of the hallway, firing as soon as they saw any of Gunnos’ allies even peek around a corner. There was little they could do to return fire within these tight quarters, let alone advance their position. While the others were feebly attempting to blindfire from their cover, Gunnos looked around in search of a better solution. If only this was a Korrvain ship, they’d be clad in proper heavy armour and being cornered like this wouldn’t be so much of a problem. But wait, that was the answer! Gunnos’ eyes fell on a supply cabinet in the corner of the room. He opened it to find canisters of AVS and other engineering supplies piled up inside, easily accessible to any engineers on duty down here. The contents weren’t what mattered to him though. The cabinet was made of plasteel, built to withstand all kinds of turbulence and impact force to keep the valuable goods inside safe, and the single door was large enough to conceal a person. “Hey big guy!” Gunnos yelled to the Blumn. “Come gimme a hand!” Greet withdrew from combat and came to his side. “What’re we doing?” “Protection.” Gunnos replied, knocking his fist against the cabinet doors. Greet caught his drift quickly, and with their combined strength they took hold of the door and broke it loose from its hinges. They had some sort of mobile cover now, though exceptional it was not. Common plasteel was tough stuff, but it couldn’t withstand focus fire from four people, not by a long shot. They would need some sort of distraction to go along with it in order to get them to the other side of the hallway. That’s where Daniel came in. His voice came up like a gift from Chahara Vee, and though Gunnos didn’t initially know his plan, he knew they had to make it count. “To me!” he called to the other two, as he positioned himself around the corner, plasteel door in hand. “We gotta be quick. Upon me mark, I’m goin' in with me cover. You guys follow close behind me.” Barely had he finished explaining his plan, when foam began spraying from above, turning their surroundings white and fluffy. This wasn’t necessarily what he was expecting, but Gunnos knew that this was Daniel’s doing. “Go!” he yelled as he charged out the doorframe and into the foam-filled hallway. He held the door in the direction he knew his enemies to be, and advanced towards them. His allies were close enough to keep track of each other, but the end of the hallway was completely invisible to them, cloaked in foam. Good, Gunnos thought. That meant the intruders can’t see them either. As they were advancing, a shrill voice yelled something in an alien language, ending with a word that probably meant “fire!” Streams of bullets suddenly rattled all around them, several of them hitting and denting the plasteel door. Even more, however, went wide and only dented the surrounding walls, as the attackers could do little more than blindly fire in their general direction. Gunnos knew they were within sight range when one of the women yelled something in a surprised voice, probably upon seeing a walking door coming towards her. “Now! Attack!” Gunnos yelled as he flung the dented door into the nearest intruder’s face, knocking her onto her ass. His team spread out and charged the other figures, vaguely visible among the foam. From then he briefly heard the sounds of punches, a few gunshots and the woofing of an angry dog, before the hallway quieted down. “I think we got them,” a female voice sounded from amidst the foamy mass. She spoke Anolo, so it must’ve been the Faera who’d come along, not one of the intruders. Wading through the foam, Gunnos would quickly find out that two of the attackers had been shot down during the brief struggle, the third one knocked out by Greet’s fist. The one Gunnos had knocked down had been trying to get up when Ruddus body-slammed on top of her, knocking her unconscious. Ruddus himself was sitting next to her like a hunting dog fetching a rabbit. “Daniel?” Gunnos spoke into his earpiece. “Four hostiles down. No sign of others yet. I think this floor is safe. We’re coming to the intended destination now.”