The room changed to a large ballroom. Not really a place where Anari normally found battles, but he was in attendance of a few duels in such places. Twas a shame that he was never part of those battles. Here in this strange place a woman Marianne was sitting casually. Anari immediately pegged her as an opponent, or at least a person who will be causing them much trouble in the future. Her femme fatale persona made Anari edgy. It would be people like the doctor who would fall for her willies, Anari figured. Marianne than started talking about things that were already immediately obvious, like the mansion changing shapes. Though this "Collector" fellow seemed to be the final boss of this place, so Anari made a note to have the group slay this person at some point in their future. And that's when the goat men arrived. Armed with what looked to be poison tipped crossbows Anari reacted defensively. He transformed himself into a large [url=]tower shield with a rifle mount[/url], which will allow the Doctor protection from the arrows as well as a means to fire back at the enemies. [i][b]"Finally! I hope you can kill just as well as you can heal Doctor! Don't fear those bleated goatmen though, they aren't line firing. Once they shoot their second volley, engage them in melee and I'll cut them down!"[/b][/i] For now Anari was still going to remain in his Shield and Rifle form, to give the Doctor some protection and to counter fire. Once the doctor would attack however, Anari was ready to transform into a [url=]sword[/url], mostly so the doctor wouldn't need to lug around the ten pound tower shield, but also so the doctor had a more appropriate melee weapon to fight with.