[center][b][i]Yumi Hasewaga Member of the Ghost ANBU.[/b] A revelation, The tests are done.[/center][/i] She shot up straight and looked with an almost panick look around. Yumi narrowed her eyes as she noticed she was in a sort of cell. No windows and dark grey walls. Only a door that stood out and the only possible way out of the somewhat claustrophobic room. Looking down, she noticed that she was dressed in a more or less ANBU formal clothing. She missed the tools and armor, but that wouldn't matter now. Raising her hands, she stared at them as she flexed them. How long had she been asleep or knocked out cold? And what did she remember? That question caused a cold shiver down her spine as she closed her eyes. She had a younger sibling. The conversation with Meisa about what the Hokage had planned and actually, everything. But she grew anxious as what would one remember of what would be erased? Her hands moved slowly to the side of her head as she started to wonder about that. The thought was maddening as she couldn't think of an answer. What was erased and why? For what purpose and how did they decided what would need to erased and what not? [b]''I see you're awake. Good.''[/b] The voice was sudden. Mentally cursing herself as her head glanced in the direction of the shadows, Yumi could barely see a silhouette. Though the soft friendly voice was one she could remember. [b]''What happened?''[/b] Yumi asked, feeling quite scared. It was one of the rare moments where she was really scared. Where she didn't consider to fight for her life or even doing something remotely close as trying to fend for herself or give her life some meaning in the last moments. [b]''Nothing. Nothing with you at least.''[/b] The voice said. The woman stayed in the shadows, clearly leaning against the wall. Though Yumi wasn't sure about it, her breathing became more relaxed. Nothing had happened with her? Wait, that meant one thing then. [b]''Did Kiyomi choose somebody else then?''[/b] Yumi asked, in a rather careful manner. The woman in the shadows giggled as well shaking her head, which was hard to see for Yumi. [b]''No, dear. The girl wasn't able to choose between you three. She believes now that your memory is partly wiped clean and Ryo's memory will be left intact.''[/b] The answer caused Yumi to grow even more nervous. She was glad that she was spared from the somewhat cruel fate, but did that now mean that Ryo's memory would be wiped clean? But the woman already seemed to suspect what Yumi thought. [b]''Ryo will also be left intact and nothing will change to him. Katsuko has been disposed off.''[/b] The voice was a bit less friendly when she informed Yumi about Katsuko's fate. Personally, Yumi didn't care about him. He wasn't a person that was even close to her. So she wouldn't care about him on a personal level, yet she was a bit wondering why they had disposed of him. [b]''Must have been a rough decision to dispose of him then?''[/b] It stayed silent for several moments and the woman sighed. [b]''Not at all. We had your memories and files checked. You and Ryo were fine. Katsuko however kept arguing and showing potential problems. As elite of the ANBU, the Hokage can't put trust in people who might revolt in the future. Something that several psychologist said after they individually scanned his file and his behavior and other information.''[/b] For some reason that calmed Yumi down. She had never harbored an idea on how to oppose or get out of this tight position. Of course she wasn't sure about her life, but she had nothing else to life for. This was the way how she could keep the nation safe. Her sibling safe, so trying to oppose it would be the opposite of what she wanted. [b]''So it was all just to see how we would react and such? To test us?''[/b] Yumi decided to ask, growing a bit more confident. [b]''Exactly. You can tell a lot on base on how a person goes around a day. For example, you prepared work and security for your little brother. Together with that you had no thought about to oppose the order or what so ever made it abundantly clear that you're no threat to the Ghost ANBU.''[/b] The woman spoke again in a soft and friendly tone. A rather soothing in Yumi's opinion. [b]''Rest out. Soon, you will be sent on missions.''[/b] Yumi nodded. She blinked once with her eyes, but the silhouette of the woman had disappeared. Slowly laying on her back, she stared at the ceiling. Raising her left hand, she stared at it. [i]I'm still alive.[/i] And with that thought, Yumi fell asleep.