[quote=kingkonrad] I should probably mention, the characters I create may not at first make sense with the divisional structure, but they can click. The Scouts character, before you ask, is a real Oh, and another thing. SOE and other foreign groups were involved. But there is one key point. An SOE agent, if known to the Soviets..ohohoh. Well, they'd be gone. If the Soviets knew an SOE agent was in the Armia Krajowa, they'd think that they were supplied by the British, and because AK was going to become an illegal and terrorist organization after hostilities...well, they would be in a demanding position to have that person removed. They were responsible, mind you, for some incredible stuff. The Blyskawica is one of these beautiful and bastardized things that we kinda stole in the ideas department :D So keep that in mind, I'd personally still want a character like that in the RP to exist if someone else did it, but it's worth keeping that in mind. [/quote] This will actually lend a great deal to how my character interacts with the overall movement. Thanks for bringing this up! He's probably have to secure a really well hidden hole in wall, a place to hide and sleep when things get too hot. [quote=DancingEagle] This could work quite well as long as it's kept realistic, that is to say, he's not some kind of James Bond superspy. A foreign Intel/Counter-Intel resistance member sounds very interesting. Perhaps work on the character sheet and take it from there. [/quote] He'll be more like a British Naked Snake, actually :dreamy Totally realistic though, nothing crazy.