Sundered Echo / FallenReaper - Xyden / Mar Xyden paused quite suddenly in the middle of his conversation with the diminutive rune master. There was something on the wind, a smell familiar yet incredibly strange. His tongue flicked out to get a better sense of it. The air tasted of another Naga, but dry, sandy and feminine. Strange. If the Matriarchs had sent someone to watch him, she would not be so easy to notice. Xydens body twisted around on its coils, his head casting about to find the source of this strange smell. There -it was another Naga! But none like he had ever seen before. Her scales were a dull brown-orange colour, her skin was the same colour as the humans and she had no fins to guide her in the water. A disturbed flutter rustled through Xydens own fins at seeing a Naga so mutilated. Taking ones fins made a Naga almost as helpless in the water as a human. He stood staring at the Naga for long moments, wondering where she might be from and why she was here. After a minute of matching the Naga women's gaze, Xydens curiosity got the better of him. “Why… are you here?” he asked cautiously. Mar stood studying the Naga’s appearance, absorbing the contrast and similarities they shared as a species. The differences however mildly disturbed her. He looked more like some Inferno demon that had taken a vague form of Naga, failing in his attempts to now resemble this monster yet his gestures and manners had ties close to her own. The reaction to her stare had confirmed he wasn’t just some demonic imitation in her mind as he spoke. His words sparked a sense of confusion in her causing her to reply. “To learn magic.” Mar said simple then added with her name, “Mar. And yours is?” This answer puzzled Xyden immensely. No other Naga of the depths wielded magic. He was the first. Yet this woman claimed to also have magic. She had to be lying. Her name was not right either. It didn’t sound like that of a Naga. Before replying, he rearranged his coils to more comfortably be facing the newcomers. The blunt end of his Trident made a resounding [i]thunk[/i] as he planted it on the stonework, resting a little of his weight on the weapon. “You lie. You... cannot be... Naga. No others have magic. You do not bear the name… of a Naga. You… are a crude Surface Dweller trick.” As he finished speaking his fins rose to a threatening state, making him look as large as possible and he took his weight off his weapon. Mar’s eyes flashed with anger at the male’s arrogance to call her a liar, her hands tighten upon her bone scythe in response, before she rose to his height. She made a low hiss at his words and struggled not to slice the weak minded male in half. Her coils drew tightly underneath her while her voice made it very clear she wouldn’t tolerate his slander. “I, Marya, Tyros of Yarosmere, wouldn’t dare lower myself to the biped standards of lying.” She seemed to fume, her eyes fixed around his eye level and dangerously close. It was a slight tactic among her people to provoke a reaction, something that excuse her into defending herself as well as lower his status thanks to his humanlike display. “To even assume or suggest is unwise. Is your tongue so weak it can’t tell the difference between a Naga and something else?” Xyden let out a warning hiss as Marya drew closer and rose to his full height, Trident at the ready. The female dared to claim the status of Tyros when it was clear by her drab colouring and lack of fins that she was not one of the ruling body of the depths. He would’ve taken this pretender straight to the Matriarchs were he still in the depths, but here he was the only judge. “Yarosmere… Is not one of the holdings in the depths. You... cannot be a Tyros. I know… all the Tyros... and you are not among them. As a Centurion of the Myrmidon order that safeguards the depths… I name you… pretender. Go back to the waters… and submit to… judgement.” He looked down on the woman and bared his fangs, glaring with narrowed eyes. The pretender was armed, and he was prepared to defend himself at a moments notice, though if he did he’d aim to disarm. Killing her would not only be dangerous because of Malice, but he had just agreed to stay out of fights and not cause trouble, and breaking this places laws would not be one of his first acts here.. “I’ve never heard of a Centurion of the Myrmidon. Who are you to deny me the right I’ve been bestowed or claim I’m otherwise? You’ve no right or standing to do such a thing, you aren’t a Matriarch. To do so in their stead is overstepping your rightful place if you were a Naga. This only proves you can’t be.” Mar snarled, not baring her fangs for she would immediate risk spitting her venom right then and there. Each of her points were made through a clear voice as she attempted to cool her emotions. The day had been rough enough, her body felt a familiar sensation upon her back that made her break for a moment within the conversation. Her pupils flickered to the side briefly. Instantly she noted the Head master’s eyes had narrowed upon the two. She saw the tension, his wings tucked in tightly in the same manner when she arrived, while he seemed ready to interrupt the pair at a moment’s notice. This wasn’t something Mar could allow or wanted. Banished from one place and now her display would risk it again. “You look more like a demon from the Ravine then a Naga. The type we’ve kill so often, merely an illusion or mocking image though it is the first time my sense of scent has been deceived.” Mar tone retain the frustration from the orders this male creature barked. “As for the depths, I’ve little idea what you’re demanding. I never came from them and neither will I return to the place you speak of. My home is in the desert, not some water, and it was the Matriarchs that have sent me to this place originally. After my Mageblood caused an incident.” Xydens prepared rebuttal was quite suddenly dashed by this creatures mention of hailing from the desert. Whether he could speak for the Matriarchs here was a gray area, but he was certainly their eyes on the surface, and if this naga truly did come from the desert, it would be momentous news for his people. “My… appearance… is that of all Naga Myrmidons. It is best suited for moving… in the water. I… Am the emissary of the Naga of the Ocean. I am their eyes… and I speak for them. You say you come from the Ocean of sand.. finless one. Are there more like you there?” Xyden had to learn more, and if this Naga told the truth, it might be that she was not a pretender or a liar. He was still on alert, but lowered himself back to her eye level, fangs no longer barred. Mar’s tension settled a bit from the change in the male’s tone. He seemed to accept her words though his stance hadn’t changed much save for his fangs no longer out and ready to sink in her. Mar hadn’t any idea what would’ve occurred or cared to discover it, her posture remained the same. However she hadn’t made to move any closer or back away. She wasn’t sure if it was her desire to retain a threatening stance and prevent attack or her pride that kept her from backing off, either way it gave her strength and determination in her task. She answered in a slightly calmer tone. “Yes, many more within cities like Mesa Gaan, deep under the sand.” Xyden narrowed his eyes, withdrawing slightly. He couldn’t be sure if this was the truth. He didn’t want to attack though, especially not with Khan watching them. He wasn’t sure what to do, and so he simply maintained eye contact with the other Naga, watching her for any indication of hostile behaviour. Naturally, Mar could’ve stayed there for the longest time, including when the sun went down and night swept over the College. The voice that interrupted however didn’t intend to allow that to happen. A thick, burly female voice spoke to the pair. “If ye aimin’ on fightin’ youse two, then yer goin’ to take it to the courtyard! Ye nea goin’ to do it in here. Unless ye want me to bang ye skulls together and drag ye to the infirmary. Believe, I’ve got the runes to do it too!” Mar’s eyes shifted from Xyden to look at the small, scowling Dwarven Runemaster. The woman looked about to spit fire at any moment as she eyed both Naga up with a keen look, one that dared them to test her threats’ merit. Now likely having both of their attentions, the woman, Val, added, “ Now ye two goin’ to calm down? Or need I have to make ye?” Xyden looked down at the dwarf when she spoke. She was fiery for a Land-Strider. Anyone willing to take on a Myrmidon was either foolhardy or incredibly brave, but in this case Xyden got the distinct feeling the Dwarf could and would back up her words. He backed down from both the Dwarf and the Naga, keeping his eyes on the other Naga but forcing down his fins to be flat against his skin. “I… do not wish to fight you… Marya. We will determine the truth… later.” Mar just looked a little longer at the Dwarf, fighting with her pride and choices before she gave into reason. In the background, Khan had taken a few steps close as if to separate should Val’s words not work. She lowered her stance, grudgingly, when the male’s fins flattened and his appearance no longer seemed threatening. She sighed under her breath in agreement. “Very well but be aware. You attack me, even if what you say is true and you are a Naga, then I won’t hesitate to end your life and in a way to prevent you from entering Malice.” With those words hanging in the air, Mar’s body quickly turned to detached herself from the scene. Any longer in the male’s presence would likely increase chances of something unsavory happening. Something that would cost too heavy a price. Val merely let out a huff, her eyes stared at the Naga’s retreating back. “Bucket o’ sunshine the pair of ye are. Now, if thar’s nothin’ else ye been needin’, I’ll git to yer room preparations so they will hopefully be done before nightfall and the Feast tonight.” Without delaying the Rune Master then started to move off from the less than pleasant event, mumbling something about Naga’s and foolish pride.