Name: Caleb Rackam Race: Werewolf Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: [Hider=Human Form]not a particularly straight laced man, in any sense of the phrase, Caleb Rackam has always been distinguished by his long, raven hair that occasionally glints moonlight off it and into his dark, mystery laced eyes. At first glance off of his chiseled body, strong facial features, and wild-looking facial hair, one might notice mirth and comfort that shine in his dark, chocolate eyes, something like going home to ones parents for the first time after a long absence, a sense of familiarity and warmth, or perhaps they would be filled with the cold, calculating gaze of a man on a mission, of a hunter, of an animal. However, looking even deeper one can sense a certain emotion, a pool of equal parts loneliness and rage that one might not otherwise expect from such a man, however this doesn't make you think less of him strangely enough, if anything it makes you fear him giving in to that emotion, like a large ocean, a pretty view from afar, but become too lost in it, and you worry what might be swept out to sea. [img=][/hider] [hider=Werewolf Form]In his wolf form, Caleb is the apex predator, his cold black nose is matched only by his keen animal senses, killer instinct, and unfeeling nature. He embodies and elaborates on everything that mankind has ever feared about the wolf, he is deadly, he is unafraid of larger more mighty prey, he is unceasing in his devotion to the hunt, the thrill of a running prey only exciting him onward to greater feats of strength, speed, and endurance, and unlike the mighty yet peaceable Werebears of myth or the smaller yet fearsome Wereboars, HE WILL COME TO YOU, as opposed to you having to provoke him, or trespass on his territory or attack his family, he will seek you out, and all it will take is a little greasing of his palm, and suddenly the apex predator is on your trail, his killer green eyes will haunt you, make you sweat, you'll dream that they're watching you, and just when you think you're safe, there they are, just waiting to pounce.[img=][/hider] [hider=The Seadog] The Seadog is Caleb's ship, just small enough to take out onto the high seas without having to worry too much, the ship is probably the one thing that Caleb is absolutely loyal to besides money. It is here that Caleb conducts most of his business, though he is not above or beneath going to see his customers, especially if the coin is good enough, it's also where many a cargo has attempted to escape, unsuccessfully. (Try to imagine it without the people on it) [img=][/hider] [hider=Personality:] Caleb is usually an easy-going fellow, with an infectious smile and attitude, put more simply, he makes people feel at ease. This has been a great help to him in his business where keeping good relations with contacts is everything, because when you deal with powerful people who by nature dislike your race, the greatest assets one can have in his arsenal are a good reputation and an easy presence, but whether from nature or nurture this presence comes, it is but one of Caleb's defining characteristics. The other is his tenacity, his ability to focus on the job at hand unceasingly has proved quite useful. The final defining characteristic of Caleb's personality is his deep well of emotion. While most of the time he does a superb job of hiding these, and this itself has helped him keep his loyalties where he believes they should be (i.e. the Almighty Gold Coin) his rage is what makes him so good at parts of his job, specifically the parts where becoming a large rage-filled wolf monster would help.[/hider] [Hider=Brief history:] Officially, Caleb is a merchant, a trader that buys and sells goods all over the world, he owns his own boat and even pays his taxes, when the collectors catch him, and this is true, to a certain degree. But the real money from Caleb's enterprise is his business dealings with the higher ups of the city. See, occasionally being a vampire or a high official in a town run by vampires, or a mob boss in a town run by vampires, can get boring, especially if one doesn't have the luxuries of office that one can only get from places that require a day or threes travel to get there and back, that's where Caleb comes in. For a price, generally a cut of the profits if there's money to be had, or a favor owed later on, Caleb will secure any cargo necessary, even if that cargo requires air holes for the trip back. As long as the coin is good and the cargo not wolfsbane, Caleb's the guy to see.[/hider] Powers: Can turn into a Giant Wolf Weapons/Accessories: Sword x2, Knives x2, Canteen, Compass, Pouch filled with: apples and gold pieces, lucky necklaces and charms, deed to ship. Suggestions: The only thing I can think of is I think it would be cool if the Werewolf race were changed to Werebeast, just to give people a larger variety of animals, and by extension a larger variety of animal nature, to deal with/change into and to let the creativity flow a little bit more, but you know, just a suggestion, this RP is looking pretty BA so far. :)