*Walks in awkwardly* So heeeey Mokley. Remember how ages ago I said I was going to app for this. And then never said anything else about this because I am a bad person? Well I got writers block and it took me so long that I pretty much didn't say anything here out of shame. But I did it! I made the person with the thing! :D *hides in corner* Also I wrote this at 10pm to 1am while sick so quality may be really bad and I can't tell.. If so I am sorry. :3 _________________________ [b]Name:[/b] Peryn Graven [b]Age:[/b] 21 [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/3BfUJl1l.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Occupation:[/b] Formerly a butcher. Now a Conscript. [b]Personality:[/b] Peryn in his adult life suffers from a fair amount of stress. He felt like the entire family rested on his shoulders after his Father was left. Markell’s work ethic, and maybe even mantra for life, impacted Peryn greatly. He put the health of his Mother and Bridgen before his own. Peryn used to have some interest in animals, how could anyone not really? Little furry intelligent things running around the woods would intrigue any child. So when his father finally showed him what his job was Peryn was far from thrilled, especially since this is what everyone said he would be doing. However after a couple months of work his weak stomach was taken care of. Though he still wasn’t a fan of it. Due to the amount of time he worked Peryn was not known for having a large list of friends. Some thought of him as recluse, unempathetic, or just rude. But that wasn’t true. He held plenty of love and time for his Mother and Sister. And even then he had a few people he did business regularly with that seemed to like him well enough. And they made him laugh at times. Peryn had feared the battle. No way around it. It filled him with dread. Killing an animal was one thing, but another human? He doubted he would be able to raise his arm. And what if he was slain? He still didn’t know anything about his father. The thought of his family without anyone made him terrified. Peryn had debated deserting but the possibility of being branded a traitor and creating more trouble stopped him. [b]History:[/b] Peryn was his father's son. That's what everyone told him. They all said it in that same kind, happy, loving voice that he would grow up to be just like his old man Markell. Always was an odd sort of thing to say but in the end they were right. His father was a butcher, supplied the small town that Peryn called home with an okay haul. Family got the best of it of course, the family came first! That could be considered his father’s mantra. Always take care of the family. Whenever anyone in Peryn’s family fell ill, including dad himself, he would work extra hours to make extra for whatever treatment was possible for a family of their standing. Peryn's Mother was like most people's mothers if you were to round them all up and compare them, though I suppose that isn't very fair. She stayed at home while while her husband was working. Took care of Peryn. She would watch Peryn, put Peryn to work around the house, tut at him whenever he did something wrong, roll her eyes when it hurt his feelings, and hug him when he nearly started to cry. Luckily the parenting Peryn received was helpful for eventually he wound up with a sister! A few people would joke about another mouth to feed or some such but in the end the Graven family was quite happy with the new addition. It would be much easier now considering they had another hand to help out. However... The small town Peryn lived in belonged to a lord, that lord belonged to a king, and that king's kingdom was at war. In fact it had been at war for a several years now. But the tides had just recently changed for this king's kingdom. A few lost battles later and suddenly things aren't looking so good. So what does the king do? He tells his lords to get more men. So a call goes out. And suddenly the elders of these lords’ towns and villages are marching to war. Markell sent some letters from the field. They took a while to make it from wherever he marched, but they were a comfort. Meanwhile Peryn tried his best to bring in some income. His Father had tried to teach him early how to be a butcher. At the time he had seen the act as wholly gross and distasteful. But now he understood the importance. So he worked. For a while things remain unchanged. Peryn worked hard for his family while his father was out fighting. His Mother kept telling him and his sister that he would be coming back. The words always made his sister Bridgen smile, but Peryn was unsure. Then news came that yet again the King’s armies had suffered severe losses. So in desperation the age for Conscription was lowered greatly. Peryn had recently turned old enough to fight, so he like his father was recruited. To be frank he was terrified. He didn’t hear anything of whether his father survived. All they did was give him some cheap leather armor and a rusty sword. Didn’t even take the time to show him how to use it. Before he awoke in the forest he was marching towards battle against the enemy. They were about half a week from meeting them. It was dark and pouring. The Captain decided to stop for a few hours so everyone could rest. And that is when Peryn fell asleep next to a small fire and found himself in the forest.