Dane chuckles and leads the way to Telma's, stopping outside and regarding the place. "Well, they aren't horribly wrong about the food or the atmosphere, although Teresa is...well, she's not Telma. Still, it's better than nothing, which I could use something." Going to push the door open, he stops when he notices the mark on his right hand that wasn't there before, one that resembled a fox. [i]Odd, that wasn't there before...[/i] Deciding to wait until they had food to ask Bubby about it, Dane walked in and waved to Teresa. "Afternoon, Teresa." "Why hello there sweetie! I'm Teresa! Well, I guess you knew that already. Oh well. Welcome to my Bar and Inn. Yes, I know what the sign says but I've never gotten around to changing it... At any rate, I've got milk, food, and supplies for a fair price..." Dane chuckles and orders two bread and a couple of apples (132 rp left) and then sits down at a table near the front of the bar, setting aside a loaf and an apple for the fairy and then looking around as he ate. The usual crowd seemed to be there, and the drunk sailor at the counter was also there. He was an interesting fellow, but with as old and drunk as he was, he wasn't sure there was a point to holding much of a conversation with him. Then the people at the tables, all sticking to who they knew. Bunch of socially awkward cowards so far as Dane was concerned, sticking to the familiar after already being uprooted by monsters. After a few moments of quiet inspection and internal speculation, Dane returns his attention to the fairy. "Alright, so I've got two questions. The first, what is the mark on my hand and what does it mean. The second, do you think we could get the sages together? I'm interested by this Stalfo sage." It wasn't a lie. The only Stalfo that had any mention in any of the history books that Dane had ever read besides the armies of them that got slaughtered by the various heroes, was the Hero's Shade, the stalfo born from the Hero of Time. [i]Maybe, just maybe, that's him. If I'm wrong, oh well, but if I'm right...[/i] Dane could only imagine the things the Stalfo would know.