Watching Nargesh in action was always a pleasure. As Orgen took up his position in the rear after Captain's orders. He saw the giantess heave a heavy rock up and throw it at the palisades like a pebble. Crushing its defenses enough to make for the charge of the Blades. She then took ran at the walls like a warg or even faster still. He was always amazed by her athleticism, but he was no slouch either. As the company broke into a frenzied charge Orgen to got his legs warmed up. Decked in a fearsome full armor, he rumbled towards the break in wall. By the time he had reached, the walls were already fallen out of bunnies's hands. Nargesh and first company were engaged in full macabre splendor as a slaughter was unleashed. With a timed leap he was over the wall. Landing on other side with a thud, the earth caving in slightly by all the sudden mass. He unhooked his greataxe and took his first swing, cleaving two bunnies clean from the midriff, they were too shocked to even yelp like most of their kind did when facing orcs. He marched towards the gates, clearing the path. Not caring for the archers that may target him, instead he drew the ground forces towards him as his brethren assaulted from the other side. Another mighty heave cleaved three more and engraved the axe deep into the side of the gate. The sudden blow contributing to the collapse of the wooden hindrance which was under vicious onslaught. Ever the prepared warrior Orgen left his axe and took out his clubs, going into a dual wielding frenzy as his brethren poured through the main gate.