Player Name: Nosuchthing Character You Wish To Play: Anna Marie (Rogue) Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Walking the Line Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): None currently Character Origin & Backstory: Anna Marie has not had a happy life, though she grew up relatively happily as a normal child, raised by loving parents, her genetic potential would intervene to ensure that this average existence would not continue. She was only thirteen, in the full throes of puberty and finally beginning to discover who she was as a person when everything she ever knew changed for ever.[b] At the time mutants were not known of, but her father's predisposition towards intolerance could perhaps be a warning as to what was to follow.[/b] Like many children that age, Anna Marie had begun to notice the opposite sex, in this case a boy around her age called Cody. Cody became her first boyfriend, and her first regret. Her powers manifested during, or a short time before their first kiss, putting the boy in a coma for three days. Her father was not, perhaps, the man he should have been, and if he had then things would not be as they are. Terrified of the demon his child appeared to be, he disowned her, throwing her out and telling her to never darken his door again. Abandoned and alone, Anna Marie wandered around the states, rapidly running low on cash and any way to survive, when she was discovered by an old woman in a bus station, a woman who, it turned out, was a powerful mutant in her own right. The still young and impressionable Anna Marie was taken in by Mystique and raised as a powerful mutant, she took to calling her saviour ‘Mama’ and was trained in her abilities, practising on her team mates. When Mystique deemed her old enough, she started taking her on some of the groups missions, often stealing documents or valuable equipment. Anna Marie’s abilities proved undeniably useful, until the day that Mystique set a trap for her then-nemesis, Carol Danvers, better known as Ms. Marvel,[b] a 17 year old girl with amazing superhuman abilities[/b]. Ms. Marvel attempted to intervene in their illicit activities, terrified and forced to defend herself Anna Marie drained her powers, but she held on for a long time, longer than she had ever done before. Ms. Marvel was rendered powerless and reduced to a coma, one that showed no sign of lifting. Anna Marie remained with the team for a short time after that, but traumatised and wracked with guilt, left her home once again. [b]She was 18, no longer a child, but still too young for the responsibilities her powers have forced upon her.[/b] Seeking something close to a normal life, Anna Marie, now a wanted criminal, stays in one place as long as she can until someone recognises her, waiting until hopefully enough time passes and people will forget her face, and finally leave her in peace. Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?): Anna Marie has the potential to be an extremely potent mutant, but several self-inflicted mental blocks lie in the way of her unlocking her true potential and truly controlling her abilities. She possesses what has been described as a fluid genome, one that can change and adapt to the changing situation, or more specifically, to the powers of whatever mutant she happens to be touching at the time. This has a number of effects, contact with what appears to be any living being, human or not, begins the process, she begins to drain what seems to be life force from her target, this is a painful and difficult experience for those she touches, and is far from pleasant for her as well. Those affected by her touch can struggle, but the weakening effect that comes with it makes it difficult to willingly break the bond. This ability does not simply draw energy, should the target be possessed of special abilities, then Anna Marie will replicate them herself, this includes both natural and artificial mutants, but not abilities that are magical in nature. This is not a permanent effect unless the contact is excessively prolonged, but a contact of a few seconds is enough to induce weakness in her target and grant her their abilities for a few minutes. With the powers also come memories, and even in some cases, entire personalities, though Anna Marie is not yet aware of the extent of this ability. In addition to this ability Anna Marie possesses a whole host of abilities she has received from her prolonged contact with Ms. Marvel. Superhuman Strength – Superhumanly strong, she can lift huge weights and throw punches through walls. Though it has never been properly measured, Anna Marie is capable of throwing cars with relative ease, and is likely capable of lifting approximately fifty tons. Superhuman Stamina – Anna Marie can physically exert herself for many hours until her muscles produce enough fatigue toxins to truly slow her down. Superhuman Speed – A side effect of enhanced strength, Anna Marie can push herself faster than any normal human could. Superhuman Durability – Anna Marie is considerably more resistant to physical damage than any normal human, thanks to the enhanced tissue density granted by Ms. Marvels abilities. To the extent that she could take a hit from a bullet without breaking stride, though armour piercing rounds might give her pause. Flight – Anna Marie is capable of defying the forces of gravity and taking flight. Sample Story Arcs: Opening Arc – Anna Marie is minding her own business and trying to hold a job down, unfortunately, this proves more problematic than she had hoped, either someone recognises her face from old news reports, or she accidentally uses her abilities, outing her, and is forced to flee. Is it getting crowded in here? – Carol Danvers wakes up, inside Anna Marie’s head, I always loved this story arc in the old X-men cartoon series but I’d like to explore it a little more, perhaps with more of a dialogue going on instead of Carol Danvers simply trying to drive her insane. Perhaps as a close to the arc Carol’s old feelings for Spiderman surface and confused by having to deal with two people’s feelings in her head Anna Marie makes her way to New York to track down Spiderman Redemption – Anna Marie has done a lot of bad things, but at the core she is not a bad person, perhaps just a misguided one, it would be nice if perhaps through Spiderman she encounters the Xmen, finally finding a mentor and someone to help her with her rapidly spiralling personality issues. Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue): “Anna we got your order here.” “Sure thing hun, ah’m comin’.” The waitress’ honeyed tones were becoming familiar in the diner now. She had only been there for perhaps three months, but she was already becoming a favoured server among the small establishments regular patrons. Her attractive appearance helped, but her kind and sweet personality helped to win over those not enamoured by her physical appearance. She made her way behind the counter, grabbing the piled trays and whirling on in a movement that demonstrated obvious practice. She took it back in front of the counter and swayed over to the first table, handling the two trays with an ease that belied her size. She slapped them down in front of the Renton family. The father was a big guy, but running slightly to fat now, while his wife was diminutive by comparison. The son was about her age, just back from College it seemed, and had been eyeing her up. He was cute, she couldn’t deny that, and seemed nice enough, but even if he did pluck up the courage to ask her out, nothing could ever come of it. She sighed internally. “Here ya go guys, tuck in, ya gotta have a big appetite to eat all o’ that hun.” The father laughed and reached across to clap his son on the shoulder, “oh don’t worry he’s got a big appetite, he’s the star quarterback of his college team.” “Well ain’t that impressive, he must have all the ladies after him at college.” The father had evidently noticed his son’s interest, but Anna wasn’t going to rise to the bait, never could, for fear she might do worse than she already had. Cody, not to mention all those since, notably Ms. Marvel. It was true that her abilities had been very helpful since then, but the woman was still in a coma. Anna Marie could barely sleep these days without seeing the look of terror on the woman’s face as her life drained away. Not to mention the strange thoughts that seemed to be appearing in her head without her putting them there. [i]Maybe you’re going mad…[/i]