Name: Samuel Hammett (Pseudonym: Walter Burnicki) Age: 38 Country of Origin: Leeds, West Yorkshire, England Religion: Anglican Christian Division: Tentatively Kedyw Appearance: Samuel is a tall and lean glass of water. Coming in at 6’1 and 175 lbs he is by no means intimidating, but that’s almost the point. Samuel can be just another face in the crowd without much need to work. He has soft features and a tiny round nose set under deep blues. His shaved brown hair makes him look a little like a mineworker if he’s in the right clothes. Of course, all of this subverts the dangerous truth that Samuel’s body has been trained into a lithe tool of destruction. Personality: Samuel is a smart, calculated sort of individual, who leaves little to chance. He plans meticulously, carefully, yet swiftly. His mind is so used to developing tactics and strategies that it has become second nature for him. The little that he leaves to chance may seem like a great deal to other people, however. Samuel is aggressive in combat maneuvers, dangerously intent on helping the helpless, and haplessly obsessed with skirmishing. This is primarily a trait developed while learning from Columbian guerrillas in the Amazon and his unorthodox training in Ireland, but there is also a deep-seated root for this seemingly reckless behavior. Samuel lost that inherit will to live a long time ago. When he discovered that his only lot in life was the destruction of others, he knew he had to let go of that nagging urge to save one’s own life. He knew that he would have to think about saving others more than he could think of his own life, or his achievements thus far would be mute. Flaw: Samuel sees his life as continuously expendable. His view in a nutshell: If I do not try, with every breath, to save a life other than my own, then all I am doing is killing for killings sake. In order to fully commit to this assumption, the alternative to which is ultimately damning, Samuel realized that he would have to sever that desperate desire to continue living. To him, it isn’t a state of suicidal depression, but rather a shedding of delusions of immortality. In short: Samuel is a daredevil, a risk-taker, but only with his own life. -Despite being fluent in Polish and German he has a novice level understanding of the culture and customs -And, he hasn’t experienced this yet but, losing a man under his command would leave an indelible, and, probably, incurable wound.