Yes that title is just some catchy words. It worked though :sun So I've a few basic concepts. I usually do large scale NRPs as they are undoubtedly my favourite. I'm also interested in posting a World/setting I've been creating and just straight up RPing a story in it. Ideally of course I'd like a mix of the two with some nation building for a week or so moving swiftly onto roleplaying. Personally I'd like to see how using my pre built world goes but that depends on people enjoying/liking the setting. So shout out preferences, thriller intrigue, space opera, nation RP etc. I tend to attempt to.implement deadlines in my RP's in a positive way just so as to keep the story moving fluidly. Feel free to post questions, interest, ideas and what not. I look forward to new and old faces. EDIT: I've decided to use the Free State as a basic setting and do a character based tale of intrigue. Don't fret on the setting too much, it'll come in time. For now, enjoy (or hate) our introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Gressil sat in his chair, which in turn sat behind his desk, sat in the centre of his office which finally, sat atop his office building. One hundred and three years he had come to work and sat behind a desk. The dates changed as too had his desk, yet nothing could change the monotony of a Monday. Not just that, he was almost sure it was a common disdain regardless of species; that all those across the sector felt the perfunctory nature of a Monday’s endeavour. ‘Least I don’t have any snark to answer to,’ he thought to himself. Mostly true due to the fact he was the CEO. Reaching forward in his seat, Gressil tapped the comms button, “Send in the first appointment.” He asked curtly to his secretary. ‘What was her name again,’ he wondered. A Dowinite, he knew that much. These interns were huffled and shuffled along like nobody’s business these days. Certainly not business he bothered himself with. He had relinquished the frivolities of day-to-day management of any kind many years ago. Even these meetings he had on a daily basis were nay but the most obligatory of responsibilities. “He’s on his way in now sir, and also...” “That’s fine thank you.” Gressil interrupted the secretary. Time to act as a CEO should. Shuffling in his chair, he straightened himself up, sat forwards and made himself as grandiose as possible. These diplomat types were usually self-righteous, pompous ass kissers. Nothing could ever prepare them for the indifference they met in this office. “Good morning Mr Gressil.” The greeting was chirped from the beak nosed, suited up human who had just entered. “My name is Haron, Dick Haron. I’m here representing vested interests of The Assembly and affilia..” “I know exactly who you represent Mr.Haron. You hardly think you’re the first nor last pencil pusher to walk through my office doors.” Gressil interrupted without hesitation or prudence. Leaning intently forward he place his two hands on the desk and all pair of eyes became fixated on the young man before him. Barely fresh out of the nest, evidently, Gressil wouldn’t have been surprised if this was this chickling’s first shin dig. “Ahem. Indeed.”murmed Haron attempting to assert some kind of dominance, or at the very least a kind of mutual respect. It didn’t go well. “Currently there are some concerns regarding a few of your more [i]nuanced[/i] business practices.” Gressil sat back in his chair having already ascertained the inevitable outcome of this conversation. Haron had ruffled up his feathers, but to no avail. Definitely new to game Gressil decided emphatically. “Mr Haron I can assure that,” began Gressil before being distracted slightly but a slight beep coming from his haptic comms centre situated on the his desk. It was accompanied, with zero subtlety, by a ominously obvious red light. “As I was iterating, here at Valencis Industries, we uphold naught but the utmost integrity of the law when conducting our operations. Everything, from our commercial entertainment to our large scale food production is completely above board. You and yours seem..” Gressil was cut short once again by his own comms panel. Two more notifications in quick succession. “Again, this must be the, what is it, twelfth audit in as many years? It’s…sorry could you excuse me a minute.” Snarled Gressil angry at his own comms. The red alert was literally just that; an alert of the utmost gravity. Flicking a hand out he activated the viewing function of his panel. Near instantly a jumble of light was scattered out of the desk and into the room before him, looking almost as if it was wrangling itself into submission. After a few seconds the photons settled into their correct pattern and there before him stood his Chief Surveillance Officer. The holo-message began relaying its message, “Code  1. I Repeat  1.” The message looped over onto the second message which bore the same information. Gressil shot out of his seat like a man possessed; and he was possessed by a great a sudden urge of ambition and surprise. “Out.” He said frankly to the glorified clerk. “This is very unprofe…” “Now!” bellowed the Corvexian gesturing aggressively towards the door. Fumbling with his body and confidence, both of which had been scattered by Grissel’s presence, Haron scurried out the room huffing and fuming. Leaving through the door he had entered only moments before, he heard one last message over the comm before he was out the door and out of earshot. “We’ve found it sir. We’ve bloody found it.”