Gods that [i]aren't[/i] known, even those that were originally mortal. The kind that... aren't like Boreas, or Ptolemy. Everyone knows Ptolemy, and if you've read Percy Jackson and the Olympians, think kind of like that. The bloodthirsty ones wouldn't be at the island, where the Gods' will brought them to- why would they ever serve? Preposterous proposition. No, these are little gods that no one ever paid attention to, the ones that were more involved with the mortal world than the immortal one. The ones that were human or demigod, that did some valiant act anywhere from a decade before to when mortals first came about. Lyden Everswift's original family name is long forgotten- though his entire family became gods of something or the other. They were all first the slaves of a Titan, before the Titan was plunged to Tartarus and they were freed. They splintered shortly after, and Lyden Everswift went off on his own, as did all the others. His mother- Nemesis. His father- captured and disintegrated. His two brothers- one serves in every war, similar to Ares, except less bloodthirsty and simply more military-based. His other brother is a lieutenant of Hermes, though unlikely anyone would know him, since he's never been to Olympus. His only sister, became one of the few gods/goddesses that had power in the realm of unstability, and she essentially became a broken, insane psychopath. I didn't expect everyone to start taking characters directly from the mythology- I was thinking more along how it had turned out before, where everyone made their own, original characters. Goddess of Stars, God of military technology, Goddess of birds and flight-based creatures, God of whatever, just things people made up. Lyden Everswift was originally one of the Gods of Creation, and a God of Vengeance and of Mines and Mining. Lieutenant of Nemesis. Pissed off most of the major gods in some clever and tricky way or another, so they keep him firmly out of sight, until his abilities became more useful than the trouble it brought.