The crackle of Zhiss’s voice through the comlink was exactly what Leto needed to hear. A rippling sigh of relief passed through his frame—only to be replaced by acute fear when he heard the distant whirr of speeders on the wind. He surveyed his surroundings once more, and judged that he was relatively well hidden; but, his still flaming rocket pack and parachute were a dead giveaway to the Mandos. [i]If worse comes to worst, what will I do? I can’t even stand, much less fight…[/i] He tightened his grasp on his lightsaber, his only real defense—although adept in some Force powers, his Master had inculcated in him a strong predilection for saber combat, which had led him to…neglect some skills he now wished he had cultivated. [i]A lesson for next time.[/i] Suddenly, the whirr of speeders became a close roar. The Mandos were above him. A cacophony of blaster fire, the distant thud of jungle erupting into flames—the heat of it reached Leto even from this distance. Luckily, he knew the Mandos hadn’t noticed him yet. They were trying to pick off their targets from a distance, entrap them with the flames—who was it? Jedi, or Republic troops? Was it Zhiss and the others, come to rescue him? What if they were destroyed? What would he do then? Leto felt completely helpless—in an instant, he felt as if his years of training had been rendered moot. Each possibility he turned over in his mind proved fruitless. He could do next to nothing if he could not stand. He told himself to place trust in the Code…to believe in Revan… [i]Damn this mission, and damn that Bothan![/i] The volley of blaster fire had not subsided—each moment his situation grew more and more untenable. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the flames licking. [i]Perhaps I’ll be burned alive.[/i] Suddenly, however, he heard the rushing of underbrush. Through the thick lianas of the jungle appeared Zhiss, his new master Valsil, and a Miraluka in Consular’s robes whose name escaped him. The jungle around them burst into prismatic fire, and the heat of it was nearly suffocating. Before he knew it, the Mandos, outfitted in their typical scored blast armor, had quit their speeders and were descending to the jungle floor. Leto could only watch the scene unfolding before him with gaping eyes, and hoped that the Force was with his companions, and with him.