Oh right, forgot about that detail. Morphs can actually have Pokemon as friends or to blend in with a society that revolves around Pokemon, but the bond between the two will not be as strong as it would be between a normal human and their Pokemon companion. Plus, Morphs tend to make some Pokemon uncomfortable. There's something about them that causes unease in a few species, making them valuable Morph sniffers. This means that you could have a Pokemon as an ally, but they aren't going to go out of their way to inconvenience themselves for your sake. It'll be a mutual alliance. Edit: Oh, that's fine. Yes, still accepting people. The balance between the two kingdoms now is actually a lot better now. Edit2: I've been meaning to say something about legendaries for a while but forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me, Rune. Will have an edit on the OP in a second.