[B]Q3 Summer 1989[/b] Reviews ----- Aquatopia - 8 Monsters and Magicks - 8.75 Wargames - 8.25 ------- Current Game of The Year - Monsters and Magicks [8.75] (GoY "mechanics" will be introduced at the end of the first IC year) ----- Sales Throwing Daggers - $15 x 60,000 = $900,000 [20,000 (US/CA) 20,000 (JA) 20,000 (MX) ] (1 quarter years) Gensokyo: Fairy Stopper (Arcade) - $3,000 x 750 = $1,950,000 [350 (JA) 300 (US/CA)] (2 quarter years) One Night in Kosovo - $15 x 55,000 = $825,000 [55,000 (EU)] (1 quarter years) [Note: You have to put the price of the game in your release, I let it slide this time as you didn't know, the price can be ANYTHING reasonable, I gave you $30 as so I could calculate] Gadgeteer Kitten - $15 x 60,000 = $900,000 [20,000 (US/CA) 20,000 (JA) 20,000 (MX) ] (1 quarter years) Fractalspace (Arcade) - $3,000 x 650 = $1,950,000 [300 (JA) 350 (US/CA)] (2 quarter years) It is Hero-Time - $12.50 x 50,000 = $625,000 [70,000 (USSR)] (1 quarter years) Aquatopia - $15 × 80,000 = $1,200,000 [30,000 (US/CA) 30,000 (JA) 20,000 (MX)] (2 quarter years) Monsters & Magicks - $20 × 120,000 = $2,400,000 [40,000 (US/CA) 40,000 (JA) 40,000 (MX) ] (3 quarter years) Wargames - $15 × 100,000 = $1,500,000 [40,000 (US/CA) 30,000 (UK/IE) 30,000 (AU/NZ) ] (3 quarter years) *Fans like Wargames! It will stay on the market another three months! --- [B] Game of the Year[/b] Recently, Pixel Power has set up a convention to host the Game of the Year awards, the winner will receive bragging rights and attention to their company along with $2,000,000! That's a lot! (OOC: When everybody's got a console, you'll find this quite blah) [B] Fractalspace Vs. Gensokyo[/b] Everyone knew Gensokyo was coming ever since Draconic Studios opened their doors and it seems Video Gadgeteer heard of this idea and tried swoop it up with Fractalspace, the games are at a war and Draconic Studios seems, despite being quite small compared to Video Gadgeteer, will use legal actions.