"Very well, miss." Alexander said with a nod and followed her to the small house. As he followed close behind Lucy, he noted that she was indeed a very attractive person, if only from the exterior. From the rumours he had heard, there was little good to be said about her as a person, but Alexander was going to wait to see for himself before passing any judgement. After all, everything that came out of the mouth of a inebriated sailor had to be taken with a pinch of salt. Alexander found it hard to look away from Lucy's swaying hips and a small part of him, for a moment, considered paying a little extra to get some of his needs satisfied. [i]Discipline. There is much to be done.[/i] He quickly chided himself. There was a time for work and a time for play, and this was certainly no time for him to go around having his fun. Once he was done convincing Lucy to work for him - there was no doubts in his mind that she would not - he had to keep an eye and ear out for pirates capable enough to attack the French fleet. Not only that, he also needed to start working on getting himself off the island. It was highly possible that someone with a big mouth would eventually lead the French to him and Alexander wanted to be as far away as possible from the town before they even start the investigation process. Alexander followed Lucy into the house and shut the door behind him. Almost as soon as it was flush with the walls beside it, he turned around and began to speak in a serious tone. "Right, time to be honest." He said and pulled out the bag of coins, dangling it from his fingers. "I am not here for your usual services. Rather, I need you to help me with a task." This was something he had done plenty of times, but he still needed to tread carefully. Not everyone was the same. "I understand you are the...How should I say, popular choice in this part of town? I have information I would like you to spread around to pirates. Good, capable pirates." He grinned at her and shook the bag of coins. "I am not asking you to do much, just to do your job and perhaps whisper a few words of my choice to the stronger pirates." He said. "So, are you interested?"