Hello! SO. Its been 7 months since I have RP'd and I can feel that familiar ache to write a good story. Warning: Roleplaying is an addiction for me. Yes. I know that I am weird. I'm bored. When I have free time I feel as if I don't have anything to do. (This is usually how my re-addiction begins). I love to read so when I RP its like reading a book. You never know what the ending is going to be and if its interesting enough you are just as excited about the next chapter. I just want someone to RP with! I really just want to play an interesting game that keeps me wanting more. I'm interested in really anything besides fandoms. In my personal opinion my favorite part of an RP is creating your own beautiful world and writing a unique story based in that world. Fandoms just don't do it for me. Sorry. I'm up for really anything else; however, I do have some guidelines that I would like you to follow if you want to RP with me. 1. Everyone makes mistakes, it is a part of being human. Just please make sure I can understand what you are trying to say. Otherwise I'm stuck in the dark and I have no idea how to reply. I hate it when that happens. 2. Please don't just stop posting. Tell me if you aren't interested in the roleplay anymore. I will either let you go or we could create a different one. 3. I don't mind violence or gore. That is sometimes part of the RP. One thing I do mind is smut. I'm a shy person and I generally don't like to go into extreme detail. I'm okay as long as it doesn't get to be to much. Then I'll just ask to fade to black. In other words, don't go all 50 shades of grey on me. 4. I simply must have romance in almost all of my RP's. I'm just a sucker for that kinda stuff. 5. Please talk to me about any plot ideas you have! We all have beautiful minds on this site and you should use them! I will often suggest ideas to you either in game or through PM. I just love creating different twists and then playing them out with our characters. Sometimes those twists don't go exactly how its planned and it ends up as a surprise. Which is always the best part. 6. I'm a girl; therefore, my main character will always be a girl. I always double as both a girl and a guy. Both my characters always get the same amount of attention as the other. So I ask that you do the same. Right now I need one or two good RP's that are going to keep my attention. PM me or comment below (Just know that I am horrible at replying to comments in the thread) if you would like to RP! I have plenty of plot lines or we could brainstorm. Have an awesome day regardless of if you want to RP with me or not! ;) Pairings (Just random ones that I can think up): VampirexHuman VampriexShifter/Werewolf VampirexVampire Prince[ss]x Servant PrincessxPrince AngelxDemon AngelxHuman DemonxHuman