[center][b][u]Damian, Northeast of Sovereign[/b][/u][/center] While the large tank had initially sent Damian into a near anxiety attack, he calmed himself realizing it was just more clean up for him. [i]'I don't have time for all of this...'[/i] he thought. He wondered what they thought they had against him. A big, metal cannon? Guns? Swords? [b][i]'Well aren't YOU feeling cocky,[/i][/b]' said Triliq. Damian sighed, realizing she was right. He was going overboard, and the whole situation might have been avoided had he decided to ignore his desire for chaos. Damian walked forward a few paces, nonchalantly looking forward towards the opening door. "Didn't I teach your friends a lesson?" he spat before rearing his right arm back and shooting a long tendril forward with immense force. It was enough force to tear through the door, meaning he had launched the attack with all intent to kill whoever dared stepping out. --- [center][b][u]En Route to Kell, Bomber Shuttle[/b][/u][/center] Ishigo leaned against the door of the cockpit, which was closed off, leaving only Zachary inside to focus and pilot his aircraft. Ishigo's mind had been drifting from subject to subject and he felt like it was time to hone in on the current objective. He took a moment to look around at everyone in the room. [i]'They haven't recovered yet...'[/i] he thought. He looked to Matyo, who seemed to have remained quiet for most of the journey. Jin's voice chimed amid Ishigo's thoughts: [b][i]'Speak for yourself, Ishigo. I'm still trying to patch up your spirit, and all your wondering is making it harder. Can you just relax? For one minute?[/b][/i]' Ishigo closed his eyes and focused once more. [i]'I can't... I feel weak if I remain idle,[/i]. He could feel a slight alteration in his consciousness as his vision faded for a brief second. He quickly opened his eyes and began planning out his gameplan once more. [i]'See? I... I can't...[/i] he thought. [b][i]'Those are two words I never expected you to use together, hm. Listen, you're fighting off your body's natural recovery stage. You'll be weak and drowsy, but how else will you get back up to full strength? You need to rest. I have the power to knock you out, you know.[/b][/i] The side of Ishigo's mouth curled upwards in a slight smile. [i]'You wouldn't dare.[/i]' Ishigo looked outside the window and noticed the thinning number of trees. From there, he noticed the two clear paths in the forests that affirmed his assumption that they had made it to the main roads. They were close, and it was about time to prepare. Ishigo cleared his throat and stood up straight, making it apparent that he was to address his group. "We're al-" Ishigo began, but looked to his left first, where the sound of snoring caught him off guard. Kisheto's head was slumped to the side, resting on Yugeto's shoulder, while Yugeto's head was slumped forward, indicating he, too, was knocked out. Ishigo had to hold back a smile, and instead snapped twice (rather loudly) in front of their faces. Kisheto's head rose slowly and he rubbed his eyes, "Holy shit..." he began, his voice low and hoarse, "I'm so.... hungry...." Yugeto yawned and looked forward, his eyes squinting as he looked around to recall where he was. Ishigo scoffed and continued: "We're almost there, actually, we're about fifteen minutes from drop point. Here's what I'm thinking: Zachary, and I will search for the closest vendors, while Raeven can hang back and watch the shuttle. We don't need much to get us to the next drop point, and I do plan on staying here for a bit. Not too long, just... enough to mask our trail. Our shuttle is untagged, so we could most likely hide it in the thicket on the far side of Kell." Ishigo eyed the group once more, confirming his decision. They were tired. They were weary. They had just made it out of Sovereign with barely a whisper of life. "The rest of you- Kisheto, Yugeto, Arianna, Matyo, Blake, and Julian. Split it into groups of three. You're tourists. You're on a field trip. You're visiting family, whatever. Lay low, relax, and recover. But stay on your toes, you got me? If you didn't link up your holocoms, do it [i]now[/i]. Anything goes wrong, you call me, I'll know where you are before I even answer the phone." Ishigo nodded and then looked over his shoulder before knocking on the cockpit door, "Zach, put us down about a half mile off the Eastern gate of the city. You'll see a bunch potential spaces in the greener woods, it'll give us some distance to walk, but we'll be out of traffic and detection." Ishigo then turned back to the group, "I leave first with Raeven and Zachary. The next group of three leaves fifteen minutes after, and the last three leave another fifteen minutes after the second. Take any valuable things with you in the case that we are unable to return to the shuttle, but nothing that will catch anyone's attention. Blake, that sword? If anyone asks, its an heirloom." Ishigo nodded once more and then walked over to Raeven, crouching by her side, "Listen, you're the only one I can trust to watch this shuttle without getting caught. Don't use spirit unless you need to and let me know as SOON as anything goes wrong, got it?"