Raeven frowned lightly when she noticed Ishigo falter. He seemed in deep thought, but he couldn't hide the fact that he was still injured and recovering. She smiled softly when Ishigo's lips turned up into his own little smile. She was beginning to admire every expression he had, no matter how few in numbers they were. It reminded her of the good old days when they would screw around in the fields after school instead of going home for chores. Kisheto's complaint about hunger tickled Raeven, prompting a light chuckle to erupt from her chest. She shook her head and stretched, preparing to head into the city. These plans were cut short when Ishigo didn't mention her name. Raeven assumed that he was either planning something different for her to do, or was simply showing a little protective side of him. She pushed her bangs back from her face as he approached her and gave him an indifferent look. With a small nod, she agreed to watch the shuttle. [i]Its this damn hip injury, isn't it?[/i] She muttered in her mind, causing Eremiel to chuckle. "I got it, boss," she lilted before smirking lightly. "Be careful in there, okay? You'll have to actually [i]interact[/i] with people."