Valek was falling. He did not realize when exactly he jumped out of the ship, but he could clearly remember his master's worried expression. The wind whipped at his face beneath his Karabbac mask, as he pulled at the parachute he had managed to acquire. A smirk etched itself to his lips, thinking of the scolding he was likely to receive. He knew she would have liked him to wait and do things with a level head, but that was [i]not[/i] how he did things. A Lightsaber found it's way to his hand, and he willed the fall to soften through the force. It was not a comfortable landing, nor was it one he wished to repeat. Instantly the violet blade activated, and he scanned the surrounding area for aberrations inconsistent with the swampy surrounding. Finding neither enemy nor predatory animal, he assessed his situation through the Force. There were animals here, but nothing he couldn't handle. His priority however, was regrouping with the others. If they were to take the control room, numbers made the most sense. Besides, he needed to know if his master had made it out. They hadn't known each other very long, but he had grown used to her, something that would be hard to do if he just kept getting a new master every single time. Cracking his neck, he kept the violet Lightsaber activated, a warning against the predators as his hand curled around the com link. Running forward, a creature, quadripedal, a ferocious creature, carnivorous, certainly by the blood matted in its muzzle. It lunged at him. As he dodged,he activated his comlink, making sure it was tuned in to his master's frequency. "Master Dreamer?" The creature snarled at his words, lunging again. He rolled forward under the beast, slicing its stomach open. He was quick to notice that its snarl had attracted another beast of its kind, older, certainly, and larger. It had in turn, brought three other beasts, all circling "Master Dreamer, this is Jedi Padawan Valek Xannoh, requesting coordinates for rally point. I'm surrounded by creatures. Nothing I can't handle, but help would be nice." As soon as his words were done, he set his comlink back on his belt and ignited his second Lightsaber. Twin violet blades now ignited from twin hilts, crossing each other in a shower of sparks, making an X. The four living creatures lunged, and the fight began anew.