Victoria heard the sound of the door breaking and heard Bur'nak yell at the maid that had disturbed her along with the sound of crying leave the room. She was stiing on the floor curled up as she held her burned arm for it really hurt her. SHe heard Bur'nak said he was coming in and she tried to warn him not to but it was to late. He saw her without her make-shirt sheet dress. Her cheeks were dark red when he picked her up and carried her. "Sorry Bur'nak I washed my clothes last night and put them out to dry for your scent was on my clothes also so I was just trying to wash it out." SHe said wnating to be sure his scent was not all over her. She sat on the bed after he wrapped the blanket around ehr and she held it close to her. Once he left the room she quickly went and grabbed her now dried clothes and put them back on. SHe ricked another burn but she wanted her clothes back. Once she was dressed she went back to his room and climbed onto the bed. "Man that was so embaressing I can;t believe he saw me like that." She said while her while face was red as a beat. She curled up in the blanket as she waited for Bur'nak to come back. Once he had returned she watched him sint on the chair that was proped against the door. "Yeah night Bur'nak." SHe siad with a blush as she curled up in the bed and slowly drifted into a sleep. Alexander had the troops retreate once the sun started to rise. "This is impossible we have to work at the time of night when there are only so many hours of night." He said throwing maps to the side for he was angry and frustrated. "This has to do with Victoria I can feel it that stupid wreched girl has no clue how much vampire power she posses and once I drink her blood I will be the all powerful." He said for that is why the king kept her in the palace but Alexander and been filling thought in thier fathers head t have her banished so he could stela her power. "Soon dear sister I will have the power and rule this pathetic world." He siad as he went to sleep.