On the outskirts of Termina was a field used by city guards for drill and practice. It was open to the public on certain days, however, and it was there that one young woman in particular often spent her spare time. She was there now, alone on the archery range practicing with her bow. She stood at a rather average height, slightly shorter than an elf, but not as short as some of the human females. Besides the height difference Lydianna's elf blood showed prominently. Her eyes were a bright shade of apple green not found in humans, her long hair tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face was pure white, her ears tapered into a point, and despite the look of hardened concentration on her face she was beautiful--though far be it from anyone to tell her so for she scorned being doted upon merely for her looks. Rather Lydianna preferred to be appreciated for her sharp eye, her quick draw, her steady hand in the midst of battle. Less a city guard and more of a sword for hire Lydianna often helped to chase away bandits and other ne'er-do-wells who sought trouble with Termina or other peaceful towns--what few there were. Although being a sword for hire, the need or want of money was less of a driving factor for Lydianna than was simply ridding the world of the more depraved and ruthless men terrorizing it. That being said she traveled where she pleased and tended to answer to her own consciousness and moral compass more than the orders of others. She traveled alone of her own volition--a dangerous thing to do even for professional soldiers--yet managed to survive, if not thrive, in the war-torn world in which she lived. While she traveled wherever she felt she was needed, Lydianna often returned to Termina. Here it was easy to get her needed supplies and information, or simply to take a break and recuperate for a bit. For now she was in Termina because she had been turned away from her own kind when she had offered to help them fight off the horde of demons that they were at war with. Perhaps hers was only a single set of hands, but they were still a set more that could have helped. And what did her people the elves do? Turn her away because she was a cross-breed. The elves were a proud race and did not easily take to outsiders. To them her human blood made her lesser to them, not even useful enough to serve as fodder in their front lines. Frustrated, Lydianna had returned to Termina. That had been a few weeks ago now, yet her anger at the stupidity of the elves had hardly ebbed. "Let them die if they so wish," Lydianna muttered angrily to herself as she pulled back her bow then released an arrow. It flew straight and true, hitting the practice dummy in the heart like she had known it would. Dozens of other arrows were already embedded into the dummy in several vital areas: the heart, neck, eyes, and general head area. "Foolish bastards. The whole lot of them." Lydianna made to retrieve her arrows having just spent her last one. As she gathered them she muttered angrily to herself while trying to also force herself to see reason. Even if the elves didn't need her, there were others elsewhere who would have need of her skills. Feeling slightly calmer from having released some of her pent-up anger, Lydianna made the trek back to Termina. Once inside the city she navigated her way through the maze of streets and alleys to the inn on one of the poorer sides of town where she was staying. It was dirty with only a straw mattress laid on the floor and a cracked bowl used to hold water to wash with, but it was cheap and gave her what she needed: a place to sleep. Nodding to the innkeeper, a ragged looking man with a thin frame and scraggly beard, Lydianna retrieved her room key and tromped up the steps to the second floor where her room was located. Alone in her room, she set aside her bow and quiver and sword and knife before pulling off her leather boots and belt and flopping onto the dirty mattress with the intent of taking a quick nap before finding something decent to eat. After she would sleuth around to find out if there were any trouble makers in the area that she might be able to eliminate. Closing her almost luminescent green eyes, Lydianna waited for sleep to come.