Ishigo didn't have much to take with him. When he was sure that everyone in his group had gotten the message, he exited the shuttle and stretched his legs. He reached for his scarf and put it around his neck and face, then proceeded to join Zachary when he left the shuttle as well. The two walked together along a stable path cut through the forest; it eventually led to a man-made trail, and the two fell upon the path perfectly, as if they were on the trail the entire time. Ishigo nodded when Zachary mentioned the cores, "I'm impressed. You always seem prepared, Zachary. I was going to try to check my old bank accounts, but due to its link to the Golden Mercenaries, it'll only serve to sabotage our entire plan. If you're willing to take the entire expense upon yourself, I can assure you I'll be able to pay you back completely, with interest, when we reach Vantus." Ishigo was genuinely grateful for Zachary's contribution to the group. From piloting the shuttle to providing for the entire group, he had proved to be a valuable ally and friend. "The gate's are up ahead, but there aren't any defined borders. They only have a patrol stationed at the gate, so we won't have to worry about any screening. But if anyone asks, those two cores are fire cores. If people find out you're carrying those strange cores with you, it might turn ugly." --- After walking for a good bit, the two finally broke past the receding forest line and entered a man made park that surrounded the path leading to the main gates. The "gates" were really just two large guard towers teaming with patrols that eyed all that came in and out of the largest road leading into the city. A line of small buildings, possibly guard barracks, created a sort of border around the "gate." Ishigo looked forward and nodded to Zachary, "We can try the market district. It's at the center of the city, and if we can't find any there, we'll head to an armory to see if they have stock cores for us."