Sayuri cursed as the branch she was leaning on snaped nearly causing her to fall from the tree she was resting in. After she regained her balance she looked around and listened carefully. Not hearing anything she drops down to the ground and hurries through the trees. After several minutes she stops, [i]'Are you really set on getting back to your family and that you can trust them?'[/i] she sighed and ignored the voice and before climbing the tree next to her, [i]'you know I can bug you to no end right? Keep you from slee-'[/i] she stopped annoyed, 'Would you shut the hell up Hiryu! We've had this conversation three times. Yes I'm sure they won't betray me. We all trust each other with our lives. Very little can change that,' she paused before continuing to climb, 'Hiryu do you have any siblings?' He remained silent as she climbed. Once she reached the height she wanted and began scanning the area Hiryu sighed, [i]'Yes I did have an older sister. As to whether she's in this world or even alive I wouldn't know. We've been at odds for a long time and eventually stopped communicating... Enough about that we need to focus on getting somewhere to rest with as little military presence as possible. We're both in need of a good nights rest. We've been traveling non-stop through the forest since we slipped away during the battle. We can't be too far can we?'[/i] Sayuri nodded, "We should almost be to Kell..." suddenly a shuttle flew overhead cutting her off. She froze staying completely still and watched as it flew in the direction of the city. Once she felt it was far enough away she climbed a little bit higher so she could continue watching it. As she watched the shuttle changed direction and landed in the trees, "... Let's go check it out. It could be other people who made it out. They might even be able to spare some supplies!" She climbed down excitedly, [i]'You know it could also be a bunch of military goons out to hunt and kill us. Did you ever think of that?'[/i] when she reached the ground she checked her bag to make sure she had everything. She also checked to make sure her sword was still on her back. Satisfied she turned and began walking in the direction of the shuttle, "I know that is a possibility but I'm willing to risk it. Besides we'll hear them long before we see them especially if they [i]are[/i] military. They're not exactly sneaky with all of that gear and weapons. It couldn't go too badly I've got you right?" [i]'Whatever let's just hurry.'[/i]