"Digivolve to, Hyemon." The purple light washed over Yeyemon as he changed form into a Hyena like monster. The spots on his coat turned to 'X's and he gained sinister looking mask over his face. Eden was amazed as Yeyemon transformed along with the other digimon, the amazement only grew as their digimon fought back and began to gain ground against the purple mole. Hyemon charged at drimogemon, "Wild Dog Roulette." His mane stood on end and he began to role into a spinning saw blade, reminiscent of the classic sonic the hedgehog, his speed doubled and he slammed into the purple digimon sending it reeling with the help of the others. Drimogemon realized that it was outmatched and dug back into the ground to live and fight another day. Hyemon ran back to Eden to ensure that he was alright, after confirming this he began to tease his partner. "You throw like a numemon." Hyemon said with a distinctive chuckle. The humor was completely lost on Eden as he had no idea what a numemon was, he ignored the bait and ran back to where the fight had ended to regroup with the others, and first thing was first they had to check for injuries. "Did anybody get hurt." he asked as they all gathered, "I think i may know basic first aid. But maybe not sorry."