Gnarl did not lead a division, his sole job was to kill as many of the enemy as possible. As his signal was given he to took a shot at one of the guards on the tower felling the man. Next he leaped astride his mighty warg and rode at the gate. As he rode the side of the wall killing the archers he saw, Nargesh opened a portion with a large stone. Quickly reigning in his warg and turning Gnarl followed her inside. Upon reaching the broken section his warg leaped it and fell upon the first man it saw tearing into him, while Gnarl's bow finished two more. Dismounting Gnarl drew the greatsword from its sheath on his warg's saddle and set to work. Two men rushed him and he ducked the first's swing and rolled the man over his shoulder into his warg's waiting jaws. Next a spearman tried to impale him, he simply grabbed the shaft just below the head and pulled the spear to the side. The man was pulled forward, and Gnarl gripped his throat and slammed him into the ground. Following that Gnarl ran toward the keep with his white warg in tow. A man rushed his side only to be dropped by his warg, and the next man that attempted was met with an enormous gash across his chest. Reaching the courtyard of the unfinished keep and very much leading the charge Gnarl was met by a captain. Immediately the he rushed the mn, who was obviously of superior skill to the others around him. The man brought his longsword in an arc cutting Gnarl's chest slightly, but had miscalculated and as his sword hit the plate metal Gnarl's bent his shield in around itself breaking the man's arm. As the man fell back in pain Gnarl delivered a grievous blow to his neck with his boots before letting out an inhuman roar at the remaining humans causing them to backpedal quickly.