Kassandra was not in attendance for the meeting, Lovejoy, as she received a parcel from Dara containing a letter (which I don't have typed up anywhere... :( ) and a small black sphere(? I think? I'm trying hard to remember precisely what the item was - it was some kind of onyx thing) and then she left for the Basilica to send him a reply. We talked about insignias and seals that each Inquisitor uses and I'll have to figure out what Kassandra's was again because I forgot. Anyway! She ran into Motya and he told her what the presentation was about. She wasn't extremely passionate, but she was somber - merely out of sympathy to her comrade. In all honesty, she has no true opinion on it. Essentially, Kassandra is what everybody sees Inquisitors to be - an emotionless law enforcer in service of the church; however, she believes herself more of a warrior than an officer of the law, so she doesn't do much in the way of "law enforcement." Huff... off-topic - her attitude was only slightly affected by it; she wouldn't truly do anything too rash, as she knows that they needed those slaves to keep the ships powered. Also! Great summary. EDIT: I think that the message from Dara to Kass said something about being careful or something?