[quote=BelladonnaDeCaspian] Have we decided a City, I know Detroit was mentioned or are we making one up? Do the two mob groups own the whole city or are they only a small part of the city (the rest being of little consequence to the two groups)? *please do not feel like I'm trying to railroad anything, I'm just really excited and intrigued by what we can create.* [/quote] I like the idea of a made up city personally... [quote=fantasyfan28] Why not have everyone start out being in the same gang/mob. A bank heist could be planned, goes wrong and two people in the gang (npc's) could get killed. This splits the gang up into two groups. Both sides thinking it was the others fault. It would cause a blood feud etc etc.Or there could be some sort of mob boss who sends out "invitations" to individuals that are talented enough to intrigue him/her. They would have to prove themselves worthy of a position in his family but something goes wrong and two gangs are formed instead and they both decide that they could run the illegal activities in the city better than one crime family could.Just a couple of suggestions. [/quote] I love that idea! It would give the rivalry more personality and meaning! [quote=Kyrianei] So me and Jade have been discussing a few ideas about the city, and we've both decided on having each gang own businesses within the city, such as the strip clubs you were mentioning earlier, as well as restaurants, bars, garages, maybe even factories and warehouses. If you can think of it, your gang can probably own it. However, we'll be making a map of the city, as well as including in some neutral spots so that members of opposing gangs can interact with each other. [/quote] I like where this is going