[center][b]Please ignore the post above.[/b][/center] [i][center]"When the tree leaves dance, one shall find flames. The fire's shadow will illuminate the village, and once again, tree leaves shall bud anew." These were the last words of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Konohagakure's Third Hokage before dying during the Attack on Konohagakure by Otogakure shinobi. It is these words that inspire Konoha's shinobi and kunochi to protect their village and to prosper under the banner of peace and unity....however, things have changed. The village has slowly begun to shift towards a militaristic rule, under the banner of the new Hokage, Oda Uchiha. For unknown reasons, he has declined the Shinobi Republics invitation to unite the world as a single nation. With this, growing hostile actions between the Republic and Konoha, along with several other, but smaller, individual villages, have become sparked to full on combat. With the fear of another war breaking loose, the Republic has ordered a council of Jinchuuriki to meet at the Gokage Summit in order to discuss the on going tension. However, they still have yet to find out who the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki is, whose whereabouts are unknown to them. The meeting has begun...[/center][/i] The day was hot in Konoha as the sun bathed the village, clouds only blocking the sunlight for a short period of time in the wind. It was during this time that Kota was walking through the village street, who'm was tired from training for quite some time. Many people in the village knew him, considering he was one of the only few Uchiha that had begun to spring up again, aside from the Hokage and Ria Uchiha, though he was not quite related to her. Instead, he came under the Namikaze bloodline, gaining a blend of blue eyes and black hair, giving him a more distinct appearance from the rest of the Uchiha. It was during his thinking session when he bumped into a random shinobi, who'm was carrying some supplies...for an unknown reason. "D-Damn it, sorry about that!" He said, leaning down to pick up the other males things, "Are you alright?" He said apologetically, shifting the headband on his head back to it's regular position. Meanwhile at the Gokage summit, the snow had begin to rise up quite a few inches, and the wind was blowing in a horrible manner, as if a blizzard were to arrive soon. Outside of the summit, Guard Samurai were standing put to protect the Jinchuuriki meeting that had been about to take place. The sky was grey, but the sun was out enough to just barely light up the earth.