If there was one thing Ragna could say he was good at. It was causing chaos. The poor people around him scattered like fly's away from a swatter. The swath of bodies that tried to defend their homes surrounded the demon warrior. However each and everyone still breathed. He made sure not to do to much damage so at most he would have to pay a fine and swear to not do it again. Then the old wooden cabbage cart rolled into him knocking him over and rolling over his body before flipping and spilling it's contents down the path. Those not running away from the demon came like a horde of rats picking up as many heads they could before scurrying out of the way. The spectacle amused Ragna more then the combat. Not that fighting poor people was much entertainment. Yet still he pushed on taking note of the lack of city guards in this district to stop fights and the such. Still no sign of any half-elf that wanted to stop the chaos, Ragna started even more. Every cart he passed he flipped over, sometimes throwing them into buildings. Screams started to echo as one of the homes caught fire. "Oh? A poor fellow dropped an oil lamp. Deary they really should be careful with those things." He smiled before continuing forward on his path of destruction humming a happy tune from his childhood. Soon several ragged people with blunt knives and one with a cleaver confronted him. " Stop this at once, demon, This is a place for all races to gather and be happy. Why must you seek to destroy it and the lives of those in it?" Ragna paused for a second and thought crossed over his features. " I merely seek a guardian to your poor folk, I have not killed anyone, nor have I permanently destroyed anyone's homes. If I wanted to. The entire city would be up in flames. So leave me to my chaos and I promise to forget your little folly of confronting me." He waved them off and everyone besides the one who talked quickly left. 'Cleaver fellow' paled as Ragna walked up to him. Easily towering a good two feet over the poor human he smiled a toothy grin at the human. " It's been a while since I've tasted human flesh. you mind if I taste yours? That or you can leave." Taking the demons advice, the human quickly skirted away like the rest of them. As he started to move forward Ragna heard the girls voice and then the subtle twang of an arrow being loosed.He dropped the current person he was holding by the neck to the ground, watching the man crumple against the stone street before rolling out of the first arrows path only to be hit in the shoulder by the second one. Cursing he dove behind a wall, his hand wrapping around the shaft of the arrow before ripping it out of his shoulder. Dark blue blood ran down his arm. Coating the chain making it slippery He carefully peeked his head from his very meager cover. " I take offense to that. I'm not those beasts from the southern molten lands. My ass is quite cool to be perfectly honest. Now that you are here. I haven't killed any humans yet. And I would like to not destroy my only vacation spot. So put your bow down. I will walk out. And we can chat, Half-breed." Wincing slightly at the arrow wound he walked around the corner with his hands behind his back. " I assume you are Lydia?"